3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Has anyone here ever tried Poser pro with game guru?

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Posted: 8th Jul 2015 20:55 Edited at: 8th Jul 2015 20:58


I was taking a look at this the other day, it looked promising. Also you could do motion capture with the kinect which seem like a really useful feature. I have noticed with characters they move pretty stiff compared to commercial game characters (not trying to be a jerk about it) so if you are able to do motion capture you could get more natural movement out of the characters in this seems like a easy way to do it. The one problem being is it has a $500 price tag. I was just curious if anyone on here ever pumped out the bucks and tried it and how well it worked for them. Basically, would it be worth the investment or are there other programs that have similar features like the motion capture for cheaper?
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Posted: 10th Jul 2015 13:16
I've tinkered with it a bit - can't say I've had much luck, but I haven't really tried too hard with it. Models all seem very high poly without an easy way (as far as I remember) of reducing to reasonable levels. I was trying to get a gun exported and imported rather than a character.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2015 15:47
Thanks for the info. I did see on their site if you get the Pro version it came with a polygon reducer. I'm not sure about the other versions. The more I looked into it I saw some one was trying to come up with a similar motion capture thing that would work with blender and it would be free. It probably has quite a ways to go though

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