Housetroll - when posting looking for help it's a good idea to be a bit more specific about which files you're referring to and specifically whether they are from the store, free or stock script. You'll get the fastest and most accurate help if we can look at the same things you are
And yes, as smallg states, there's only text, prompt and panel. Simply place a -- in front of the line and comment them out rather than delete.
And errr... backup before you do anything
AKA SisterMatic (Steam)
Development/ Gaming Rigs
Sys 1: i7-4770 (3.5)/16Gb/128 SSD/3Tb/970gtx/2 x 23, 1 x 27 LCD - Sys 2: i7/8Gb/670gtx/1.5Tb/1 x 23 LCD - Sys 3: Amd Quad/8Gb/645gtx/1Tb/30" LCD