Yes you can display multiple text lines with or without panels. Snippet below shows how to do one panel with text at top of screen.
The 'Panel' command creates a, err, panel
- Panel (x1,y1,x2,y2) - where x1,y1 is top left of panel and x2,y2 is bottom right of panel in screen percentages, so Panel(20,5,80,10) is a panel that has its top left at 20% in from right of screen and is 5% from top, with its bottom right coord at 80% in from right and 10% vertically down from top. The TextCenterOnXColor (x,y,textsize,text string,R,G,B) places the text on the screen centered on x,y (screen percentages again), with text size being 1 to 5 (I think), text string being what you want to display including variables, and R,G,B set the color of the text using RGB values from 0 to 255. Or you can use TextColor(x,y,size,txt,r,g,b) on the same basis, but text starts at the x,y coord rather than centred on it. You can do multiple panels & text. Note you have to call the code all the time to keep the text and panels displayed (not a show/hide situation). Hope this helps. Video just showing multiple text boxes in use. Cheers.
InfoHUDMessage = "It's getting cold at this altitude Captain!"
TextCenterOnXColor(50,8,1,"SPEAKING TUBE: " .. InfoHUDMessage .. " (Health: " .. g_PlayerHealth .. ")",255,0,0)