Scripts / Call website : php + mysql > luasocket ?

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Posted: 21st May 2015 14:32

I like to know if with a script we can make a call to a php page. To save the kill on a mysql server.
I searched the side of luasocket but I did not succeed. If someone has an idea.

I saw that by launching io.popen ("start /min exit") can already do something. But quite limited and not secure.

Thank you !
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2015 17:34
Nobody knows? You create all your games without connection to a server / website then?

It would be nice to have functions for writing (called a web page through the variables) and reading (reading a web page data) online. Maybe with the arrival of the standalone multiplayer?

(sorry for my english, I'm french and I use google translation)
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2015 20:01
The game engine as the scripting engine for lua 5.0 I am not sure if its single thread or multi thread tho, what you have asked should be possible though via the Lua side of things but I would of hoped they have there bin access the http via windows rather then Lua, I not sure how they do there multi player options someone else would have to tag in there but if we can assess them HTTP commands it would be useful.

But accessing your php that way in that kind of call would be as safe as any other way so if you have means to already do the call go for it
Autoplay Media Studios Lua Scripter, RPG Maker Creator, FPSC and now GG user.

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