Third Party Tools / WIP Guru quick Script Maker

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Posted: 21st May 2015 06:27 Edited at: 22nd May 2015 01:15
I redid the post, This is A quick script to make lua scripts for your games. I intend on being able to upload, save, and open lua scripts. As soon as I get some more features into this I'll upload the source code. The link posted is more of A demo to get an idea of what it is. I corrected the links and pictures and I'll upload A new version as soon as I get them done.

I'll be working on this non-stop until the 29th of this month and then reguardless of my progress I'll upload the source. This was built in Visual Basic 2010 Express addition.

Markchapman10 is my Skype let's have some dev talk.


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Posted: 21st May 2015 08:39
that looks fantastic, I will want to use this for sure, nice work.
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Posted: 21st May 2015 12:34
works brilliantly, thank you, will there be a syntax checker?
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, AMD HD7870 gfx card.
King Korg Synth, Alesis SR18 Drum Machine, Akai MPX8 sample player, Roland Fantom XA Synth, Axus Digital AXK2 Digital Drum Kit.
GameGuru Tool Maker
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Posted: 21st May 2015 14:53
The most buttons do not work for me. Maybe this you mean with demo.
Do you make it open source? And what kind of programm you use? I search for a good gui creator since a long time

I also would add:
if then


Good tool
My dream is to develope games, which makes fun when I create it and fun when other people play it.
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Posted: 21st May 2015 15:33
Nice idea...
but I can see this getting very complicated at your end...
trying to keep the structure of the code.. and where the next command is placed..

Maybe have an example button for each command .. that shows a complete example of it's usage..
a lot.. lot of work..

good luck in your LUA adventure...
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Posted: 21st May 2015 15:50 Edited at: 21st May 2015 20:26
What's there is simple, and I had started on it to late and that's what I got done. It is open source its visual basic 2010, though its more form then lines right now. It may be able to actually script though its more of a template. I'll have the way you use the functions in the tooltips, if you hover over the buttons.
Markchapman10 is my Skype let's have some dev talk.
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Posted: 21st May 2015 21:41
Looks good, when finished it is a helpfull tool. Great job and thanks
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Posted: 23rd May 2015 05:21
I hadn't noticed I messed up the pictures in this post I'll fix this sorry, on a good note I'm almost done with the basics. You can now build a basic templet with it, I'm going over everything to see if I have anything miss spelled. I changed how the text is entered in the code box, you now click the button and click where you want the function in the code box. This tool probably won't have colored text, but any things possible. Its still a good place to Lear the basic functions and how to use them. I'll update the main post when I post the new link.
Markchapman10 is my Skype let's have some dev talk.

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