Scripts / Scriptable Player in Third Person View?

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Posted: 20th May 2015 13:16 Edited at: 20th May 2015 14:23
This seems to be possible ... under constraints.

1. To see an example that works: go tto scriptbank, make a backup of ai_neutral.lua, and then replace it by this code:

Then put a start marker in your map, and on top of this add the Wizard character (i.e., the TPV character) and test the level. What you will see is that , the wizard starts small and as time goes on he gets bigger and bigger. This is the command "Scale(e,v)" added in ai_neutral.lua.

2. Here is an example that doesn't work. Repat the above steps but now replace the ai_neutral.lua code with this.

One would expect that "MoveForward(e,v)" would move the wizard / player forward. But not, he stays in place.

If the above would work, we would have scriptable control of both the player and the camera!!!

Soo the questions are:
1. Why doesn't it work for MoveForward (but works for Scale)?
2. Most important: How to make it work?

PS: GOT IT!!!!! Have to turn physics off!!!!
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