Sorry I needed some sleep.
(that took 14 hours to get that working)
I didn't do anything special. I was just modifying and debugging the ai_zombiewalk.lua and they just walk onto the roof.
So I dragged a soldier onto the map and he followed as well with the ai_soldier.lua, with a minor mod.
I was thinking that build 28 must of made some changes, because I tried a similar scenario about 1 to 2 months ago when I first got GG and they all just stopped at the buildings edge.
The debugging script just shows the current variables values of the entity and player, as you are looking at them.
So you can see a live update of that is happening within the script as it runs. For debugging.
I just built it to learn the different commands in lua.
It is built on smallg,s PlayerLooking function. So all credit to smallg.
But I think there is an issue with the AI updating its height value, this is causing further problems with frame animations.
As it seems to be effecting the PlayerDist vaule and causing false triggering of the animations.
If you compare the two distances commands, to each other to the same point you can get to different values.
If you use g_Entity[e]['plrdist'] to me this seems to give you the correct distance at all times.
But I need to look at this further.
I may be old, but at least my memory still ....hmmm
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