Work In Progress / Colony 3010 - Adventure/Puzzler

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Posted: 4th May 2015 22:10
I'm fairly new to this...My first post.
I thought I'd show off a little something I am currently working on.
The game is called Colony 3010.
The Objective is basically exploration.
There are currently 2 collectible items the relics (see the blue relic pic)
and the Seeds that look like a cross between corn and an acorn.
Ultimately I want to create something that feels magical to explore, something where you can kill an hour
and not really have done all too much (but feel ok about it :p

The rock formations provide unique challenges and working out how to scale them can lead you to cool views
or relics.
I want to create a few different environments to explore. The one I am designing now will be a dusty town with strong sun and bloom.
One of the things I am most happy with so far is the art style I have used. It allows me to keep things pretty low poly.
I hope you like them.

I have a dev blog
here are the screenshots

Pirate Myke
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Posted: 5th May 2015 03:03
Nice, great start.
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Posted: 5th May 2015 18:35
Just a small update on the first house with an interior and some cryosleep capsules.
I think next on the adgenda is some sort of cave... Better yet...What would you like to see in Colony 3010?
Any good ideas and I might put them in...

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Posted: 6th May 2015 00:17
Creating vegetation

The trees as I like to call them Cacti snakes can be used to scale and navigate across the environment.

you can follow my progress on my blog

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Posted: 6th May 2015 14:23
I really love the cartoony style you have chosen for your game of exploration. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
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Posted: 6th May 2015 22:43
Worked on another part of the level today and made some capsules

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Posted: 6th May 2015 23:08
Very unique style ..... Brilliantly done !!
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 7th May 2015 22:31 Edited at: 14th May 2015 11:36
Iv'e done a small walk through to get an idea of the challenges in Colony 3010

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Posted: 8th May 2015 01:32 Edited at: 8th May 2015 01:33
The newest edition a massive structure.
What does it do?
Why is here?
Is it the only one?

See more on my Dev blog:
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Posted: 8th May 2015 15:00
Very nice work so far!
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Posted: 9th May 2015 18:40

Iv’e done a little work on the Alien structure.

I’m thinking of ways to progress the environment.

Other levels are going to be different environments but now as I am getting further along I am looking to create some variation in the game play aspect.

Ideas are of course welcome.

I’m thinking of perhaps creating another type of town but I’m dabating on how far I should detract from the empty planet or whether that should even be the concept…

I think firstly I have to decide do I want to have any form of combat aspects to the game or do I keep it peaceful? In some ways it makes sense to include a combat element to it for game play variation.

Another Idea I had was to perhaps look at a farming to trade style game but implementing it is not something I have given much thought to, this is mainly due to the core mechanics of this engine heads more towards a combat scenario/ environment.

One this is for sure I want to keep the main focus of the game play based around navigation and puzzle solving.

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Posted: 10th May 2015 02:58
I put together a character model,
Still deciding on if I like it...I think it reminds me a little too much of something from Wind waker.
While I have to say Wind Waker is bleeding awesome, I'm trying to keep the style my own.

What do you think?


Pirate Myke
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Posted: 10th May 2015 03:55
This is coming alone very nicely. Great progress.
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Posted: 10th May 2015 06:36
So I pulled an all nighter and came up with a few more assets to test out.

Feedback always welcome

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Posted: 10th May 2015 13:42
Very beautiful art design, also regarding "meeting the expectations from the Indiecrowd".
Do you already have an overview over the gameloops if you DONT ad combat elements?
Would be interested in how you keep the motivation going...
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Posted: 10th May 2015 17:40
I think this is the toughest challenge finding out how to keep the player motivated without combat elements.
I'm looking at games like Zelda, Banjo Kazooie and Also Animal crossing for inspiration.

The collecting notes and Puzzle pieces in Banjo Kazooie was such a fun element to use them to open the doors and levels.
The combat element of Zelda has always been cool, I want to look to see how I can translate that into a Sci-fi type setting while still keeping gentle atmosphere as oppose to the guns blazing.
And Animal crossing where I spend ages just collecting and speaking to the inhabitants.
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Posted: 10th May 2015 20:38
This is definitely on my radar. I love the art style and concept! And I actually quite like the character design--I don't find it feels too much like Wind Waker.
Signatures are overrated.
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Posted: 19th May 2015 23:26

As a slight homage in name to the Viking lander, here is the first enemy AI: The viking.
They will attack by spinning towards the player and dealing a small amount of damage.
The player will be able to destroy the vikings by attacking them with the protection baton found in this first part of the game.
thoughts as always welcome.
Also as I decide to expand this project further I may need some help scripting wise.
If that sounds like something you could be interested in let me know here and we can chat about what I am looking for.

I have also decided on a plot line for Colony 3010
It's really straight forward.
Colony 3010 is all the colonists know but there is more to this planet that meets the eye.
forested and snowy environments are also on the planet and other colonists live outside of 3010.
The idea is to collect the seeds and relics while also solve puzzles to work out the mystery that the planet brings.

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Posted: 20th May 2015 09:34
awesome design!
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Posted: 20th May 2015 18:07
Very nice game
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Posted: 25th May 2015 17:04

I've started working on a new environment for Colony 3010.
I am almost finished with the desert starter level, I have to rework a few things with it but it's coming along.

As a side note. If you want to help with this game please let me know.
What I currently need.
-Someone that can script.
-Someone that can animate well

What you get in return.
- The levels for the game with all the assets
-To be part of a cool project
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Posted: 25th May 2015 18:45

I did think about using a different colour rock for this environment but I think keeping the red rock helps transition into the first new environment.
This town is the first you come to outside of the colony and is always gloomy here.
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Posted: 25th May 2015 22:46

Just a small bit of work on a bigger colony
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Posted: 27th May 2015 18:33
I'm enjoying your game. It looks like it could be a fun game! I will be following your progress with keen attention!

Happy development !
My little APOCALYPSE world My little APOCALYPSE world

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Posted: 28th May 2015 23:26 Edited at: 29th May 2015 00:09
I have decided to change the direction of this environment and create an older feel to it but also incorporate some aspects of a futuristic colony.
I was also thinking of adding some sort of twist to it. something like the planet is Earth, Earth was abandoned by humans so long ago that the colonists are curious of the ancient technology (modern day to us) when in fact they are actually colonizing what would have been there own planet thousands of years ago...Wow okay... any way, more screens.

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Posted: 29th May 2015 13:52
Very nice chizilu!
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Posted: 29th May 2015 18:47
Developing a style for the buildings

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Posted: 31st May 2015 13:45

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Posted: 6th Jun 2015 17:09
Been a tad busy recently with, well... Life
I have however still been working away with this.

I am starting to build on some indoor environments.
if anyone would like to be part of this...Like a team...PM me or send a raven etc.

Aaaanyway just a few screens.

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