Work In Progress / Lost in Time (WIP)

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Posted: 30th Apr 2015 19:29 Edited at: 3rd Jul 2015 12:49
LOST IN TIME (Work in Progress)

Developer: Tarkus1971


I'm now 3 levels into my horror/puzzle/suspense game "Lost in Time"

You find yourself alone, starting on an island in permanent darkness only to find there was once someone else there before you, who, why?

As you play you will discover memories that will replay to you, and the story will unfold.

The game will take you through many time zones, and slowly you will discover who was in these times zones before you and why you are there too!

Here is a short video on you tube.

I am hoping with more updates to GameGuru, I can make the themes and zones more and more cold and build the feeling of isolation.

Also, I have a lot of music tracks now in the store, some are FREE..... check them out
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Posted: 30th Apr 2015 19:38
Hi Tarkus1971

First, great video!!!

I know this is not your job, but I'm new at this, and I'm hoping you might help me.

I have a video up on YouTube, and I have been trying to link it to a WIP post (Welcome to Mill Town) as you did with your video. I can not seem to get it done. I've tried to upload as a file, I've used the Video tab, but it only shows the URL link, not the video. How does one link a You Tube video to a GG forum post?


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Posted: 30th Apr 2015 19:43 Edited at: 30th Apr 2015 19:44
ok sure

you only need the youtube part of the web page that is this for my video 7IbIJMHGPcI

ignore the bit below

then type

then put the 7IbIJMHGPcI straight after
then directly put this line after [/youtube]

then your video should be there.. hope that helps
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Posted: 30th Apr 2015 20:11
You can also select the Youtube code and click Video <Youtube and it'll do it automatically.
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Posted: 30th Apr 2015 20:14
i didnt know that ,thanks
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Posted: 30th Apr 2015 20:54
Thank you both, I'm off to give it a try....

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Posted: 1st May 2015 10:51
Hello tarkus! I absolutely love the video, the style and the idea of your game. Actually we have very similar styles. I have been looking for a game creator to make a puzzle/escape game with a suspense/thriller undertone. You're alone. Moving between different ages/dimensions. (Also a big fan of alternate worlds) Sound familiar? Naturally there's more to it than that. I was so excited to find GG and see what it can do and what the potentials are. I'm no scripter or programmer so I'm a bit limited to what I can do and have to find work arounds. Anyway it's a really cool tool and I love what you can do with it. Waiting for inventory and more interaction with objects. I've seen your wishlist which is really good.

Keep up the good work!
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Posted: 1st May 2015 14:31
Hi and thanks Inea,

I'm no coder either but gameguru and the great community here do help a lot, and I'm sure there are lots of exciting things to come with this program too.

I'm glad you like the video, I'm still putting stuff into level 3, levels 1 and 2 are done, I am planning 10 levels all slightly different in theme and content. Some will be small puzzle levels others much larger and survival themed.

Have you been to my page on the GameGuru site, I have some FREE music there if you are interested in downloading some ?

Once again thanks, what are you working on at the moment?


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Posted: 1st May 2015 16:24
You're welcome tarkus.

Sounds like you have a really good mix of small and large and a good variety of levels.

From the little I've seen so far from the community, people seem very friendly and helpful.

I haven't been to your page yet but I'll see/listen to what you've got and download I'm sure.

What am I working on at the moment? The answer is nada! Grrrrrrr My CPU decided to get very hot, so my computer is now being serviced. I only got a few days with GG. I started on one of the competitions, thought it would be a good way to get to know the program. Well that only lasted 3 days. ...... hahaha

Anyway.... I have an idea of what I want to do, but I still have to see what can be done with GG and what I will be able to do and how I'll have to do it. I have been looking at different 2d game creators and then I came across GG. Who knows, maybe it will just be levels where you explore things and walk around, if I can't get anything to work hahaha

Can't wait to get my computer back so I can get going again.

How long have you been working on the game?

Looking forward to seeing your progress!
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Posted: 1st May 2015 16:52
Sorry to hear about your pc getting a bit too hot there, I have only been working on it since the steam release date, I had ideas but no way of using them, unity is expensive, and so can be unreal engine and cryengine, but Game Guru is both cheap and easy to use.... so I just bought it. I use a lot of assets from the GG store, which are very cheap, the music is all my own work. And the community and devs are great, some of the scripts and free assets can really be a great help with your creation, take some time to read the forums and download some of the scripts..

I'm going for the atmosphere an exploration more than just shooting..... there will be some, like in chapter 2 of my game where you are in a prison camp being patrolled by guards, there is a weapon hidden there, oh and the keycard to open the gate, very tense and very "on the edge", it even scares me... and I created it!

Thanks for your kind comments, just hope you get your PC back very soon.. so you can out you ideas into a great creation

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Posted: 1st May 2015 19:05
I've seen some really great stuff in the store and all at a very good price too.

Love your music, it adds such a lot of ambience to the game. You know I really love when that happens when you get affected by your own creation whether it be fear or some other emotion. Especially when you scare yourself half to death hahaha
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Posted: 1st May 2015 20:49
any news on your pc rebuild yet? thanks for the appreciation, just hope you can get going on GG soon..
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Posted: 2nd May 2015 06:00
Noooo not yet. They said around 10 days (there's a queue) could be longer and I handed it in on Tuesday and Thursday is a kind of a holiday in sweden, don't know how much work got done then and yesterday was first of may. So that's one and a half days gone. So I'm hoping for next week. Arrggghhhhh so frustrating!!!!! Oh well.... Time flies they say, we'll see how fast this week flies lol
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Posted: 2nd May 2015 08:16
good luck, hope its soon
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Posted: 2nd May 2015 09:30
Thanks tarkus I hope so too, fingers crossed
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Posted: 10th May 2015 10:35
Had a major set back this week with the 1 level map, not creating a standalone and inking to other levels, despite some amazingly intense help from one of the devs, It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, so I bit the bullet deleted 2 sections of the map that were causing the problems, possibly a scaled object, I found some objects that were causing problems, but there were more.

Still most of the 1st map is ok, so its redo the missing sections now, They will be a little different as I've learnt a bit more since the old map was created.

Don't know why this happened for sure, so if you are making something, save regular after every major part of your creation, and test it works in standalone, with a winzone connection to another level.... without a winzone the 1st level worked find, add a winzone and link it and the crash occurred.


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Posted: 17th May 2015 14:28 Edited at: 17th May 2015 14:31
Ok so I am having to re-work the 1st chapter, but it is going great so far, here are a few screens from it.

I'm just populating the map now, I've even expanded it while keeping a good frame rate up.

So there will be a lot more puzzle to solve in it too.

Hope you like the screens.
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Posted: 22nd May 2015 17:18
There should be a new video uploaded next week showing off the new Chapter one. That's if the new compo doesn't get in the way
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Posted: 31st May 2015 16:42 Edited at: 31st May 2015 16:45
Hi there just finished uploading a new video for you to be scared of.....

It show a few new things in GG, decals from the MegaPack DLC's, Guru Buildings V1 and the pickup and teleport object and a treasure type script which, so far is working well.

The terrain is a little rough at the moment and needs the paths to be clearer, but these are cosmetic, I wanted to get the puzzles and gameplay sorted 1st.

There are flashing images in the video so be warned ok.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2015 08:01
real nice... great work
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Posted: 1st Jun 2015 17:34
Thanks Harry working hard here, just hope windows 10 free upgrade doesn't hobble GG too much
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Posted: 4th Jun 2015 21:55
Just uploaded this one, it features a new GuruBuilding V2 House.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2015 05:44
Good work!

hopefully soon GG will allow for directional lights.
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Posted: 8th Jun 2015 17:49
One More for you!

This use smallg's sound fading script, great script
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Posted: 8th Jun 2015 19:13
this is get better each day Tarkus1971!
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Posted: 8th Jun 2015 19:19
thanks for the nice comments, looking forward to the update for post processing then things will hit a new level
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Posted: 15th Jun 2015 10:37 Edited at: 15th Jun 2015 10:38
Not much to report this week, I've been using and setting up DOF etc on the game levels, did knock up a quick screenshot using Voodoo's free sci-fi blocks.

The robot was created using only 4 different entities too!

With the DOF effect this robotic thing looks HUGE!

I might use him on a massive platform, very low gravity level
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, AMD HD7870 gfx card.
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Posted: 21st Jun 2015 15:47

Still working on the new 1st level, taking a while because it is a big level with a lot of detail in it, but I did take some time out to do a little work on the 3rd level, the 2nd very, very small stealth level is done

The 3rd level is set in a sewer, a BIG sewer, I used Wizard of Id's great pack for this, the new depth of field and 3D sounds come in useful too.

Hope you enjoy.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, AMD HD7870 gfx card.
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Posted: 21st Jun 2015 21:38 Edited at: 21st Jun 2015 21:40
Also here is a quick view of the 1st Chapter map. Still a lot to do, crinkly bits on the edges of terrain etc. But it is getting there.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, AMD HD7870 gfx card.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2015 16:14
It evolves!
You have managed to create quite the spooky atmosphere! Please keep it up.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2015 17:58
thanks wolf, it is evolving very quick now. might even steam greenlight it in the next few months.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2015 16:28
I'm really looking forward playing this game. Now days no Triple X title really offer any horror elements but this gives me goosebumps by just looking at the videos.

Keep up the good work
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Posted: 28th Jun 2015 09:12
thanks for the comments Timba, progress still going, looking forward to performance updates too, that will increase the ability to scare even more
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Posted: 30th Jun 2015 21:00 Edited at: 30th Jun 2015 21:03
Should hopefully be uploading a video to dropbox in the next few days, it lasts 21 minutes and show the 1st level pretty much as it is at the moment.

The video is far too big for youtube, So if you want to watch it I'm afraid you will have to download, it's 1.3gb... Should be there on dropbox by Saturday at the latest, (my connection is slow)

Thanks for all the nice comments here, and to the devs and forum support for the amazing help.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2015 18:45
Here are a few new screenshots, yes, there is a gun in the level now, for puzzle use only though

Depth of Field really works well on dark levels, so cool.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2015 19:04
Just grabbed a new map view of the 1st level.
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 16:45 Edited at: 19th Jul 2015 20:41
The link below is for the 21 minutes video of level 1. Hope it doesn't scare you too much.....

Sorry had to remove the link to dropbox as I ran out of space.
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Posted: 4th Jul 2015 01:13
that's really looking good! very good atmosphere! the island looks interesting!
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Posted: 4th Jul 2015 15:01
Cool Tarkus1971!, nice to see all the thinks you can do with GG, and a little effort an imagination.

My congrats.

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Posted: 4th Jul 2015 15:44 Edited at: 4th Jul 2015 15:45
@nuncio - thanks, your game is coming along well to I notice, keep it up.

@3com - thanks for the comments, I'm hoping, when GG performance is upped, I will Steam Greenlight it, once I have 5 of the planned 10 levels done.

Here is a level plan so far. % = completion of level in GG. All the music is done, just to give some feel and inspiration.

Level 1 - The island. 75% ( A little work required, Story notes, scares etc. )
Level 2 - Prison Camp 99% ( Story Notes to be added, small stealth level. )
Level 3 - Deserted Desert Town 00%
Level 4 - Sewer 25%
Level 5 - Future 00%
------------------------ Below Levels Not Yet Started (but they are planned) ----------------------
Level 6 - Medieval Forest
Level 7 - Martian Colony
Level 8 - Platform Chaos
Level 9 - War
Level 10 - The End
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Posted: 6th Jul 2015 20:48
2 new screens. Pleased with bathroom but the kitchen needs a little work.
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Posted: 16th Jul 2015 22:26
Work paused as I'm working on something for the humble bundle compo. Will start up as soon as that's out of the way.
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Posted: 8th Aug 2015 21:20
Work now restarted on "Lost in Time", working on a new level similar to the "Saviour" game in the contest, but much more expanded and harder.

Screens below, early, but looking ok I hope. In this level you meet "The Keepers", see if you can spot the single "Keeper" in this level so far.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2015 19:25

Just a very, very early test of the Desert Town/Warehouse level. Building the level to check frame rates, some stuff might get moved if things slow down, but hopefully that won't be too much of a problem soon

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Posted: 16th Aug 2015 20:17
new intro level video below, short and unfinished as yet. It will introduce the games concepts.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2015 21:28
Really nice video's man,
Great work

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Posted: 19th Aug 2015 04:16
This looks great, very detailed, awesome music, perfect atmosphere which creates suspense!
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Posted: 19th Aug 2015 09:24
that's looking really nice, man
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Posted: 19th Aug 2015 21:21
Some new screens on some new parts I'm filling with stuff, puzzle, atmos etc
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Posted: 20th Aug 2015 11:09
looks ool mate...

where did you found the animated keypad you used i the videogameplay?
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