I'm looking for two basic items, which I'd be happy to buy from the GameGuru store if you are able to get them submitted.
1) A cube. A nice concrete cube something very similar to the slabclean_100x100cube in fixtures, but without bevelled edges.
2) A thin slab if you can walk onto it easily from ground level. Similar to slab_clean_100x100thin, but no bevelled edges.
I ask that they are both fairly generic so that repetition of them doesn't look seriously obvious, so pretty plain textures that are fairly seamless.
The other thing I would ask is that they are tested in Game Guru to make sure they align well on the grid without snap, obviously I'd use snap but to start with I want them aligned properly in the grid mode rather than snap mode as it makes a good starting point. Unfortunately slabclean_100x100cube and slab_clean_100x100thin which come with GameGuru don't do this so ultimately this is what I'm looking for.
If you are able to make these items please post here, as I said I'd happily buy them from the GameGuru store.
All faces need to be textured.