Top Down Editor View Bugs and Improvements
I have found if you close the library dialog (click on the x) for the entities and marker there is no way to bring it back on screen unless you restart GG.
Maybe a view menu in the file menu toolbar would be a good easy fix.
i.e. File Edit View Terrain Tutorials Help.
Down in the status bar the "Z: xxx" coordinate does not show the last digit if there is three digits in the coordinates position and X has three digits in it.
It just needs a bit more room assigned to show the third digit.
I was just wondering about the idea of if you double click on an entity on the map it takes you straight to its properties settings.
It’s just an idea to speed things up.
I may be old, but at least my memory still ....hmmm
Pavilion dv6 Notebook, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz, Win 7 64 bit, 16 GB Ram, Radeon (TM) HD 6490M, 2789 MB Memory. Resolution 1366x768, Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000. (WEI 5.8)