Some more features I thought to add to the Sniper ideas above.
I have noticed the drop-off setting in the sniper rifles properties for gravity.
That made me think we need an sideways offset due to wind direction.
And the addition of a wind factor.
A Sniper character added to the basic library, it could be the Rocket Man but just with a sniper rifle instead of the RPG.
But it would need to have a script change for better vision, beyond the 3000 or so cut off level, and also the character would need to be always visible and drawn onscreen beyond the 3000 or so cut off level. Visible beyond the 3000 level with the use of the scope on the rifle.
An adjustable zoom setting on the scope view of sniper rifles adjusted by the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
When prone, you would be able to crawl around in the prone position.
A faster / adjustable setting animation on the sniper rifle after you take a shot.
i.e. after I take a scoped shot it take about 3 to 4 seconds before you take the next shot.
It would be good to have this time adjustable so you can use it like a semi automatic rifle with a quick firing rate.
This could be already possible with modifying the scripting but I am not that good yet.
It would be good to have a firing rate option in the properties setting of the rifle for easy adjustment.
I am not sure how this would work.
The feature that registers what spot you shot the character in.
i.e. It could tell the difference between Headshots, Arms, Legs, Torso, etc. Which could be scored differently for each spot hit.
or if it an arm shot it would take two hits to kill the character.
That's it for now....
I may be old, but at least my memory still ....hmmm
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