I needed a compass for in game and took a read of Avram's thread with the imaged version, a nice job. BUT I needed something more accurate (I need compass bearings in a development project underway). I also wanted non image based.
Since it works well with (almost) zero resource use I thought it might be of interest to others. Instructions for use are very simple and included with the code.
In short, add any entity near player start, assign compass.lua, set to dynamic. Always Active MUST be on for this to work out of range. Can be turned on/off via keyboard and includes a flag to turn on/off if you want a player to "find" a compass.
As always, happy to answer questions.
-- CODE BY !nullptr (aka SisterMatic) - please credit - not fussed - just don't call it your code :)
-- Add a rock, tree or whatever at player start point.
-- Assign compass.lua, set to static no and always active to yes. (This last is critical or compass stops beyond entity range)
-- A very minor alignment problem with up arrow and North. Totally beyond me as to why. Text sizing? All other cardinals work fine.
-- Safe to make changes to the display area, clearly outlined. Start messing with the array, I'm NOT helping you out. Simple as that.
compass= {}
-- **************************
function compass_init(e)
-- **************************
compass_active=1 -- on by default - set to zero and change if you want user to "find" a compass for example
defn_Compass() -- a little tidier than filling init
-- **************************
function compass_main(e)
-- **************************
-- this keypress part is *optional*. I use it to turn compass on/off via o, shift O (No. We can't use "C")
if g_InKey=="o" and compass_active==0 then
elseif g_InKey=="O" and compass_active==1 then
-- MUST EXIST for it to work
if compass_active==1 then show_Compass() end
end --function
-- THE BELOW SECTION SHOULD NOT NEED EDITING. Be it on your head if you do. Line 70 (approx) has the display section.
-- **************************
function show_Compass ()
-- **************************
local start=0
local compass_str=""
local bearing=0
-- most efficient way I can find to return a 360 limited bearing from player rotation
bearing = math.floor(math.fmod(g_PlayerAngY, 360))
-- hack due to negative Y angle on rotation - why devs?
if bearing < 0 then bearing=bearing+360 end
-- make sure we have full dimension on 10 degrees either side of actual bearing
if bearing < 45 then
start = 315 + bearing
local arraypos=start
-- 91 is one quater of compass and 1 added for the array offset so we don't go out of bounds
for i=1,91, 1 do
if arraypos==360 or arraypos<=0 then
arraypos=1 -- we reached end of table, reset
end -- for
-- this works fine for a 1920 x 1080 display and *should* work on the horizontal but
-- lack of fidelity in font size may cause vertical issues on lower resolutions.
TextCenterOnXColor(50,7,2,"Navigation Compass",155,155,155)
end -- show
-- **************************
function defn_Compass()
-- **************************
-- called once only at init()
-- note that we need to offset the array by 1 because we can't have 0 as an array ref.
for i=1, 360, 1 do
if i == 1 then compass[i] = "N"
elseif i == 46 then compass[i] = "NE"
elseif i == 91 then compass[i] = "E"
elseif i == 136 then compass[i] = "SE"
elseif i == 181 then compass[i] = "S"
elseif i == 226 then compass[i] = "SW"
elseif i == 271 then compass[i] = "W"
elseif i == 316 then compass[i] = "NW"
-- pad out the non cardinals - suit yourself but watch the panel display sizing - I use | for every 10 and . for in between
elseif math.fmod(i,10) == 1 then
compass[i] = "|"
compass[i] = "."
end -- for
end -- defn
Usage caveat: If you mess with it, YOU fix it.