Free Models and Media / REQUEST - free pistol with silencer

Old Larry
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Posted: 12th Apr 2015 10:05 Edited at: 12th Apr 2015 10:58
I've try to import in the GG "Import Model" option (a pistol with suppress silencer) one model from the old FPSC "Model Pack 6":
I've used (one by one) the: GG "Import Model", "mender", "open3 mod" and "online 3D model converter" - no one of those can made it one of the correct HUD.x (or correct the animations of player hands) file for this pistol model.
Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance !

P.S. I really need one pistol with silencer (no matter what model, and the silencer could be attached forever, it's not necessary to be detached). Can you help me with one please ?
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Old Larry
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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 13:44
Hmm...nobody like to help me with one pistol silencer ?!?
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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 14:01
The author of model pack 6 is not known by me. Also I didnĀ“t have the pack, but maybe I can help. Import the entity file of the weapon and the copy the gun folder in gamcore/guns of your FPSC classic in the gamecore/guns from GG. That should do the trick.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 16:44 Edited at: 20th Apr 2015 20:55
Corno_1 wrote: "Import the entity file of the weapon and the copy the gun folder in gamcore/guns of your FPSC classic in the gamecore/guns from GG. That should do the trick."

I've already made those steps and other more, the video example is exactly what's happening after that.
And at final of my request help was : "no matter what model, and the silencer could be attached forever, it's not necessary to be detached".
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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 16:50
I could attach a silencer to the standart pistol if you want.
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Old Larry
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Posted: 14th Apr 2015 18:49 Edited at: 14th Apr 2015 18:53
Wolf wrote: "I could attach a silencer to the standard pistol if you want."

Full thanks !
Can be any model of pistol with any silencer model (no matter what model). Just to have hands on it, not without hands like in my video example.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2015 20:08
@old larry: Can you send me that gun model you have imported via PM. I think I can get the hands on it
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Posted: 15th Apr 2015 21:17
Wolf wrote: " @old larry: Can you send me that gun model you have imported via PM. I think I can get the hands on it"

Many thanks for helping me. I've sent you two PM's
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Posted: 6th May 2015 08:52
Some news for me ? Thanks
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Posted: 6th May 2015 11:24
Wolf is on holiday and will be back in a few days.
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Old Larry
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Posted: 7th May 2015 06:48
Pirate Myke wrote: "Wolf is on holiday and will be back in a few days."

Thanks for info !
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