LOL, you really need a nurse to restore your health in your video example.
Good momentarily solution for my request smallg, until in the future the GG it'll get fixed !
btw: you must change your nick name from smallg to (the) "master of scripts", indeed
Later edit after I've test it:
@smallg your video example works correctly with AI_soldier.lua (Masked soldier, or other original AI) only, with my Prisoner Soldier.fpe (rescue_prisoner.lua) wasn't working.
So, maybe the problem is on the fpe or in lua script of my entity ? somewere in the "path" part of script:
-- follow found path
if PathIndex > -1 then
ai_soldier_pathindex[e] = PathIndex;
ai_path_point_index[e] = 2
ai_path_point_direction[e] = 1
ai_path_point_max[e] = AIGetPathCountPoints(ai_soldier_pathindex[e])
Can you check-it please ?
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