Hi there! Thanks for your support and comments guys!
the game start to take shape and I think you may be surprised when you see the videos, within the bounds of reasonable perspectives. It is a indie game with a shoe-string budget.
I think that Game Guru is a good engine, there's a lot you can do. The learning curve is minimal and their use is enjoyable and rewarding.
The Lod system works quite well, the fact that polygonal collision be taken of the Lod02 it was a good move.
The sound system is simple, but working fine. The problem here is that you cannot load sounds by commands (only two sounds for entity)
The 3dsounds work well enough. But for the moment only works with wav files and You cannot define your range of emission.
The IA work relatively well on terrains, This provides navmesh, pathfinding and waypoints. More waypoints options (identify which of the waypoints of the path is more near or far of the player) would be great!
The engine contains various tools for sculpting the terrain and these work relatively well. A erosion tool and be able to load height maps and roads will be...
There are several post process, like depth of field, motion blur or bloom and All of them work well. Screen ambient occlusion and flares will be the icing on the cake.
And yes.. The engine has several bugs, but this is true with all engines, unity, unreal, etc... TGC just have to fix it, no problem, this is perfectly natural
But... Game Guru also contains a number of gaps or areas where further progress can be made.
the absence of save/load, occlusion culling (only Frustum Culling), Particle Systems and HUD/GUI options... All of them are particular importance for any type of game, this is not readily understood.
Too few LUA commands.
Too very few LUA commands.
Too very very few LUA commands.
The IA for indoor is precarious. It's practically impossible.
A light/shaders system most advanced and versatile. I think (I may be wrong) the engine uses forward rendering. Deferred Rendering would be more appropriate, which is merely my personal opinion.
About the engine performance... the number of draw calls has nearly tripled with the latest updates (Even with all post processing disabled) The positive side is that TGC are working on this at the moment.
I shall not elaborate any further with matters such layers, group objects, Material Editor, psych joins, parallax, directx12, etc... but at the present time That does not make sense in my view.
In summary, GameGuru is a good engine but it can be a great engine and even fantastic, if the TGC team do their homework.
Thanks for your time, and Happy development !