Alright, I'm on a borrowed laptop now, I couldn't take it any longer, hahaha and I've checked the keys for increasing and decreasing the size of the terrain brush in the F9 editor.
On my Scandinavian keyboard, the minus button doesn't do anything. The plus button decreases and the button to the right of the plus button increases. That's the button right next to the Backspace button. The layouts on the laptop and the desktop keyboard are the same and work the same. I'm talking abot the main keys, not the numerical keys to the right.
Mike you asked about the Å and Ä buttons.
Ä doesn't do anything, that I can see.
The button with the two dots and the little wave ~, next to Enter, moves the camera right up.
Å moves the camera back down.
Those buttons seem to do what [ and ] does for you? The English keyboard?