Look here ok is in german but you see the comands:
this is a snap shot from me code:
elseif GetScancode() == 64 then
--os.execute("start /D /min wmplayer /Task /prefetch:11 /Query:3;3;6;Play all music;29518;-1;;;;0;;;;2;;") --play all musik you have
os.execute("start /D /min wmplayer /Task /prefetch:11 /play http://1live-diggi.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/965/119435/v1/gnl.akacast.akamaistream.net/1live-diggi") --play radio
--os.execute("start /D /min wmplayer /Task:NowPlaying /play /close") --test for play and close
elseif GetScancode() == 65 then
--MsgBox("moin", "Avram's FPSC:R Toolkit", "hallo", 15)
os.execute("%WINDIR%\\System32\\taskkill /IM wmplayer.exe /F") --close the programm
--os.execute("TaskKill.exe /IM WMPlayer.exe") --not working
elseif GetScancode() == 0 then
pressed = 0
Have Fun & Good luck
PS: os.getenv("USERNAME") is reading system variables