Hi Myke, thanks for the quick reply, do you ever sleep, lol?
FPE ani section
animmax = 3
anim0 = 3,61
anim1 = 802,841
anim2 = 942,1141
Quote: "the second animation section, may not call, because the animation state of the first section is still 1, and has not been reset."
Yeah I changed this part to 1 as it's already animating but I was still lost what to do after that. I've tried StopAnimation, taking the loop away, destroy but that doesn't work either, well it would if I knew what I was doing lol.
if g_Entity[e]['animating'] == 1 then
Got a link to your door script?
PC - Windows 7 64bit, Intel i5, 12Gb Ram, 1TB WD Black, Evga Gefore 760gtx 2GB
Laptop - Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Core i7-3632QM processor, 8GB of RAM, 1Tb Hdd, Nvidia Geforce GT 740m