Voodoo wrote: "UPDATE added new stuff go on top of thread"
Cool stuff !
And now I've start "the criticism" comments
1 - the "container2" don't have texture and I can't take it from the entities folder to put in the map editor (appear just one white dot)...
2 - Please
do not use the "autoflatten = 1" for any small assets (containers, ladders, desks, crates...
Use the "autoflatten = 0" !!!
If you use for example the "autoflatten = 1" for one crate or ladder placed on the roof of the building, that crate (or ladder) will add the terrain at its highest !
So, think twice before use the "autoflatten = 1" in the any fpe file
Quest: It is Really necessary the buildings to be so huge ?!?
Think like in to the real life if that buildings can be (or it's necessary to be) so huge...
Smile today, tomorrow could be worse
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