Thanks for raising the concern about hardware requirements.However there is unfortunately a limit to what TGC can support hardware wise, lower end hardware simply doesn't have the brunt to run this new software.Supporting older/entry or legacy hardware would really stand in the way of progress.
So it does leave TGC with a predicament, support lower end hardware to such a extend that it hampers the guys that is able to run the software with nvidia or amd graphics cards with latest DX version.So users are going to be left behind, such is the price you pay for progress, it's ugly messy and leaves a lot of people unhappy.You can't compare GG with classic either, it's a whole new engine build from the ground up and classic is over 10 years old.
It's fair to say damn of you do, damn if you don't.It's sad but I much rather see some better graphics at the expense of users on the lower/entry end of the scale, graphics appeals and beauty sells, it's a numbers game, and TGC took a risk and it is paying off very well.
I hope you are able to afford or buy a better GPU in the future to join us !!!
Win7 pro, Intel 2500K @3.7ghz 660GTX 8gig ram 16tb HDD