@ science boy - re the fantasy pack - using the 'Ogre' as an example:
First I put the .x through Rafhalzer's 'Mender'. This seemed to work OK, but the Ogre became invincible, so then had to adjust manually the .x file by changing the new .x as follows (using text editor):
Find this:
Frame NoName_1 {
FrameTransformMatrix {
and replace with this
Frame NoName_1 {
FrameTransformMatrix {
Do this another two times for Frame NoName_38 & Frame NoName_39 (replace the FrameTransformMatrix with the matrix with 1.00 and 0.00's only)
Here is the associated fpe (seems to work OK) - I derived the CSI values using the FPSC classic animations list - I may have translated some of them to wrong labels - (trial and error some of this
desc = Ogre
textured = Ogre_D.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\character_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
aimain = ai_soldier.lua
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = Ogre_mender2.X
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 110
;fixnewy = 180
defaultstatic = 0
materialindex = 0
;identity details
ischaracter = 1
hasweapon =
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 1
strength = 100
explodable = 0
debrisshape = 0
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
headlimbs = 32,54
animmax = 1
anim0 = 236,265
playanimineditor = 1
csi_relaxed1 = 236,265
csi_relaxed2 = 443,462
csi_relaxedmovefore = 266,303
csi_cautious = 236,265
csi_cautiousmovefore = 266,303
csi_unarmed1 = 236,265
csi_unarmed2 = 236,265
csi_unarmedconversation = 236,265
csi_unarmedexplain = 236,265
csi_unarmedpointfore = 236,265
csi_unarmedpointback = 236,265
csi_unarmedpointleft = 236,265
csi_unarmedpointright = 236,265
csi_unarmedmovefore = 266,303
csi_unarmedmoverun = 304,328
csi_unarmedstairascend = 160,189
csi_unarmedstairdecend = 160,189
csi_unarmedladderascend1 = 160,189
csi_unarmedladderascend2 = 160,189
csi_unarmedladderascend3 = 160,189
csi_unarmedladderdecend1 = 160,189
csi_unarmedladderdecend2 = 160,189
csi_unarmeddeath = 0,19
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 731,760
csi_unarmedimpactback = 40,59
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 120,139
csi_unarmedimpactright = 80,99
csi_inchair = 210,234
csi_inchairsit = 210,234
csi_inchairgetup = 210,234
csi_swim = 266,303
csi_swimmovefore = 266,303
csi_stoodnormal = 210,234
csi_stoodrocket = 210,234
csi_stoodfidget1 = 573,597
csi_stoodfidget2 = 832,851
csi_stoodfidget3 = 443,462
csi_stoodfidget4 = 210,234
csi_stoodstartled = 210,234
csi_stoodpunch = 210,234
csi_stoodkick = 210,234
csi_stoodmovefore = 266,303
csi_stoodmoveback = 266,303
csi_stoodmoveleft = 266,303
csi_stoodmoveright = 266,303
csi_stoodstepleft = 266,303
csi_stoodstepright = 266,303
csi_stoodstrafeleft = 329,361
csi_stoodstraferight = 362,395
csi_stoodturnleft = 266,303
csi_stoodsubtleturnleft = 266,303
csi_stoodvault = 266,303
csi_stoodmoverun = 304,328
csi_stoodmoverunleft = 304,328
csi_stoodmoverunright = 304,328
csi_stoodreload = 319,355
csi_stoodreloadrocket = 319,355
csi_stoodwave = 236,265
csi_stoodtoss = 319,355
csi_stoodfirerocket = 236,265
csi_stoodincoverleft = 236,265
csi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 236,265
csi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 236,265
csi_stoodincoverright = 236,265
csi_stoodincoverpeekright = 236,265
csi_stoodincoverthrowright = 236,265
csi_crouchidlenormal1 = 236,265
csi_crouchidlenormal2 = 236,265
csi_crouchidlerocket = 236,265
csi_crouchdown = 236,265
csi_crouchdownrocket = 236,265
csi_crouchrolldown = 236,265
csi_crouchrollup = 236,265
csi_crouchmovefore = 381,405
csi_crouchmoveback = 381,405
csi_crouchmoveleft = 381,405
csi_crouchmoveright = 381,405
csi_crouchmoverun = 381,405
csi_crouchreload = 406,442
csi_crouchreloadrocket = 406,442
csi_crouchwave = 381,405
csi_crouchtoss = 406,442
csi_crouchfirerocket = 381,405
csi_crouchimpactfore = 381,405
csi_crouchimpactback = 381,405
csi_crouchimpactleft = 381,405
csi_crouchimpactright = 381,405
csi_crouchgetup = 493,522
csi_crouchgetuprocket = 493,522