Hi GoDevils,
You wrote:
Quote: "I'm assuming this will work with Game Guru???"
I am waiting for Game Guru be released to the public, and after that, if necessary, I am going to update it to Game Guru as well.
You wrote:
Quote: "Does it work in test mode as well as stand-a-lone game mode?"
Yes it does. However, with standalone version of your game, you must copy the directory named 'gui' in the path: 'Files\gui\..." to the directory with the same name, 'Files\gui\...", in the version standalone. Furthermore, both lua scripts, 'mygui32.lua and 'mygui64.lua', inside the folder 'scriptbank' in the path: "Files\scriptsbank\", need to be copied to the identicle "Files\scriptbank\ folder", in the version standalone.
Furthermore, you need to run both versions (test and standalone) of the Game Guru / ex FPSCR, as administrator.
Why I need to do that?
Because, unfortunately, when the standalone version is created, all third-part directories, not sold by Game Guru store, are not included with that version.
Why I need to copy both lua scripts?
Because, when the standalone version is created, just the script you are using with your OS Windows version installed on your PC System, is copied to a version standalone, not the both previous mentioned above. For example, let's say your PC System has installed the OS Windows 64-bit, then you should need to use the mygui64.lua file with your trigger zone for utilize the gui-launcher. You cannot guarantee the player is going to play your game, has installed the same version Windows 64-bit, which you have on your PC System.
Therefore, at this time, you should create two standalone versions of your game:
The first one to run with OS Windows 32-bit and the other to OS Windows 64-bit, because the Game Guru/ former FPSCR and Windows use different paths, to locate and run the same file: "C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\...\gui \ " for (Windows 32-bit) and "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators\...\gui\ " for (Windows 64-bit).
A solution to this issue at this moment, is trying to create two triggerzone very closer, one working with the 'mygui32.lua' file and the other with 'mygui64.lua' file. In this case, you might use just one standalone version for your game. Nevertheless, I have not tested this solution still.
I hope this information may clarify your doubts. If you still have some question on gui-launcher, please, let me know.