Product Chat / Need Bigger Maps for Openworld exploration

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 16:37
Will there be option for bigger maps in the future? If not then i will probably stray from this engine,cut my losses and move to a new engine with bigger map capabilities.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 16:55
lee at some point mentioned onhisblogin a reply tothis thathe will attempt a infinite terrain for such games, but weather this is still his plan for sometime in reloadeds dev stage after steam who knows but tgc. would be nice to have larger and smaller map options when and where needed

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 17:27 Edited at: 17th Jan 2015 11:23
The maps can easily be bigger, I am sure the team would love to see infinite maps sometime in the future but nothing is confirmed yet and it certainly won't be ready for a while.

The issue is memory management within those maps, at the moment you can hardly fill the current map.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 18:02
First try filling up what we have... lol

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 20:07
seriously, try and pack one out will lots of items and building and trees. you will run out of memory, before you get an eighth of the map filled, and still have an hour or more of game play within that.

Larger maps are not the answer, Faster loading smaller maps for efficiency. Better map design and decision point in proper planning.
Split your world up in to sensible sizes for what is happening in that spot.

Already have the ability to have an unlimited number of maps, so why pack one map full where you cant even play, instead have more smaller perimeters and having the detail you truly want in them. This will make them stand out performance wise, but also eye have the eye candy and detail.

with the 2 mile x 2 mile map that we have now, it is more then enough space to do incredible stuff.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 20:23
You can create the impression of a bigger map with a bit of imagination and level design trickery. For example, you could have a mountain range at the edge of a map (or a town), with a gate leading to a new map. Sure, you'd have a bit of loading time as the new level loads, but creating a Skyrim style open world game in Unity or UE4 or whatever will be an enormous challenge. It takes years, a team of dozens ( or hundreds) and an enormous budget to create such a game.
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 23:06 Edited at: 16th Jan 2015 23:08
I assume you're thinking about a random, infinite terrain generator... or do you actually intend to hand populate a 16 square mile map?

If my post seems rude or stupid, don't be offended. It's just a failed attempt at humor.
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 23:16
I mean randomly generated but i also mean infinite terrain (:

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 23:20
Have you actually tried to populate the current map?

We currently don't have the optimized tools to even do that yet, without hitting performance issues. So why go larger at this point?

However I will say that Lee has mentioned its not too much trouble to make them larger, but we just haven't yet seen the need to do so yet.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 23:37
You will need a midsized team and a lot of manhours to make a somewhat entertaining openworld 3D game.

The advancments in modelload and space are already stunning compared to FPSC-Classic.

You can always try making an open world game in another engine... it can be eyeopening to realise the amount of work and time you had to put in to pull it off.


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Posted: 17th Jan 2015 00:23
Many people say they are going to move on to Unity and such, try then and realize it isn't so simple. You have more options in Unity for this sort of thing, but unless it has changed of late, you would still need to do a lot of work, or fork out for pre-made examples to do anything like you say. Even then, if you are not experienced at coding, you will find it complicated.

As said above, I think the Multi map feature is quite good enough for now. Not ideal for open world, but Reloaded never promised a full open world as far as I know. It has been hinted at as a possibility, but nothing more. Great if and when, but as people say the map size at present is more than enough and not possible to fill anyway.

By all means give Unity a crack. I guarantee you will appreciate Reloaded more afterwards, or if you are capable, find Unity to be just the thing! Just more work and more expensive by far to actually release (sell) your game. That alone for me makes Reloaded a great product and worth waiting for it to mature into a more advanced state.

I can't say for Cryoengine and others, but guess if anything they will be even more complex than Unity, being professional tools. Although they probably have some incredible stuff in comparison, some of it may even be really simple to use. Or not. I couldn't say without trying. I do know I couldn't afford the license fee though.

Reloaded is what it is. An affordable semi powerful FPS games making engine. With options to add more variety of game types with scripting and clever design. Which can only improve when more lua commands are available.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2015 00:52
I spent a long weekend using unity and just following a tutorial series for a top down 2d space shooter... it was well above my head most of it lol..
all in all I agree with what dvader is saying as far as unity goes, it is more complex in many ways though capable at present of doing more this might not always be so true, as reloaded as a lot of potential for greater things later on when lee and tgc have the basics down tight..
a bigger map would be nice, but I would be happier to have smaller maps options 1st, purely because as others have stated the map at current size is almost impossible to fill to a decent degree for agame, unless you plan to have lots of open desert or fields with little in the ways of buildings and ai plus details ect..
if we had smaller maps, we would be able to make better smaller maps I think, given that fps would be that little bit better allowing within the memory limit of course more entities in the maps to be used to an extent maybe?.
infinite terrain maywell be a dream unrealised given the fps limits and drop off for the average users machine, I don't know how lee plans this of course if at all?!. but how would we populate this infinite terrain, without some extremely complex random world creator coding for like landscapes cities ect ect ect. and then what aboput inside those randomly added buildings ect, to me infinite terrain if it is being thought about seriously would be a lot of work.. I would rather see a better rounded engine than just infinite terrain tbh. magic, fires and particle smoke stuff, inventory huds more key binds so much other things to have 1st for just a normal smallish game let alone big open world games. imo the more of the other things we have 1st the better b4 lee starts working on bigger maps or open world stuff though I do agree having them at some point in time would be good, we all need to remember that the engine has needs for every1s wants, and those wants of any 1 game maker is not as important right now as it is for reloaded to have functional working basics and stability. functional basics like a working lighting system for indoors and outdoors lighting for example which reloaded doesn't exactly have yet, and others besides..

now that's enough wall of text from me lol, starting to go on abit haha.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2015 06:37
Procedural terrain generation, a la No Man's Sky. Now that would be something (but probably asking a bit much).
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Posted: 17th Jan 2015 21:07
I am pretty sure we are not going to get randomly generated map options for cities or such. Reloaded is not made for that. Look at how much Shenmue cost to make. Much of that was work on a fantastic random city maker that even laid out the rooms and such in a realistic manner. It worked a treat in the game and it is a pity that after all that effort Sega canned it, sequels I mean.

Gtox makes a point about terrain, although it makes me think of easy ways to get terrains started, rather than procedurally generated. Again, I don't think this is likely at all, or if so, a long time off. For the same reason as city generation et al.

However, would it not be nice to load a height map and be able to simulate reasonably accurate real scenes? Not that I have any idea where such images can be obtained, apart from in a landscape generating program possibly. I think Terragen was very useful in the end, if I remember correctly. Still, if you wanted for instance the Silverstone Circuit in your map for some reason, and there was an available height map which could be used , you could get the general layout done in one fell swoop. The terrain uses a height map system, so technically it shouldn't be too hard to add. There may as I said be an issue of getting height maps like this, but it's a thought.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2015 22:18 Edited at: 19th Jan 2015 23:55
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