I know people are likely getting tired of me mentioning it, but FPSCR level creation is frustrating without proper orthographic display options.
I cannot understand why Rick, Lee and company doesn't make a few cameras labelled FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM and PERSPECTIVE and then let us choose from a drop down each of these cameras for placement purposes.
I created this in Dark Basic Pro years ago with zero problems - totally easy to do. I made my own level editor way back then and used multiple stationary cameras to view each angle of the level - worked great! Too bad I abandoned it so long ago and then lost the darn code.
Why oh why do we have to suffer through top-down only????? Every 3D animation software has this, as does Unity 3D and almost all other 3D game making software. Why? Because it is absolutely CRITICAL to be able to see from multiple angles for proper placement of assets.
I also feel SNAP TO OBJECT is also important, not just a couple of snap to grid options - and as for snap to grid, we need a definable grid, not just some presets modes.
I cannot see these as difficult changes, so why they have never been implemented is beyond me.
FPSCR is world-shattering other than the above proposed solutions.
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