Product Chat / Does anybody have any clever tricks on placing an entity accurately along the Y axis?

Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 02:19
Just curious. This has been one of the most frustrating things for me in every beta so far! In the previous betas, we at least had the ability to edit in 3d mode by the right click while in the editor, but now that seems to have been replaced by the widget, or gizmo, or whatever you want to call it, but now it seems we can only edit from top down. Unless I'm missing something? I have canals I need to place!

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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 02:22 Edited at: 6th Jan 2015 02:27
Yes you can still go into 3D mode......Click entity top down.....

From that little menu that pops up click Properties and your back in 3D Mode...Then movement etc ..Same as before.

However.....that's ok but I wish we had the widget in 3d mode as would be so much easier to move stuff about.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 02:38
LOL, you have no idea how laughing out loud I really am!!!!! (The neighbor's dog is barking!) Bold type doesn't do it justice! Thank you! (Kicks self in ass which is really hard to do with my knees) Why did that not even occur to me! LOL!

MAME Cab PC: i7 4770@3.4Ghz (passmark 9945), 12GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX645 (passmark 1898); Shiny new laptop: i7 4800MQ@2.7Ghz (passmark 8586), 16GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX870M (passmark 3598); Old laptop: i5@2.3Ghz, 8GB RAM, Win 7/64, Intel 3000 graphics
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 02:48
I'm still laughing, but yeah, the widget would be nice also. What I'd REALLY like, and I suggested this early on, was just a little child window with up/down arrows along with true numerical values for position on all axes, accurate to three decimal places. Nobody seemed to like the idea. Was too easy? Too accurate? I don't know.

MAME Cab PC: i7 4770@3.4Ghz (passmark 9945), 12GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX645 (passmark 1898); Shiny new laptop: i7 4800MQ@2.7Ghz (passmark 8586), 16GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX870M (passmark 3598); Old laptop: i5@2.3Ghz, 8GB RAM, Win 7/64, Intel 3000 graphics
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 05:15
If it can be done, I would support the idea of a child window that allows very accurate placement in all three axis. I know from dealing with dbpro that displaying real numbers for the y axis was not a simple thing to calculate. The mouse reporting of x, z are easy. I hope lee has some ideas on the entity placement problem that he is not sharing with us, hope, hope... I want to see real numbers not just eye balling it! I think we need some keyboard input for real control using just the mouse is too inaccurate. (keyboard just for fine tuning at least). Just using the space at the bottom of the screen to activate and report could work. Click an icon at the screen bottom which isolates the needed keys and reports the required numbers as we move entities around with the arrow keys plus the page up and page down keys, press enter and bingo entity movement is complete.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 05:56
Everything your asking for... is the kind of things dreams are made of lol I would like them too

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Duncan Peck
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 08:17
I have to say I agree a little box in the entities properties which contains editable co-ordinates for the x,y,z axis would be advantageous for accurate placing of entities.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 13:52 Edited at: 6th Jan 2015 13:53
I like working with actual numbers vs. trying to "wing it" where your only view is by pivoting around an object's origin, nudging it this way, orbiting around, nudging it another way, etc. only to launch and find it's not anywhere near where you thought it was. I have spent hours doing this with a single entity, and have given up many times. It's very frustrating! If I know the terrain is at zero and I know the height, width and length of my object, placement becomes a "snap"!

MAME Cab PC: i7 4770@3.4Ghz (passmark 9945), 12GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX645 (passmark 1898); Shiny new laptop: i7 4800MQ@2.7Ghz (passmark 8586), 16GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX870M (passmark 3598); Old laptop: i5@2.3Ghz, 8GB RAM, Win 7/64, Intel 3000 graphics
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 16:08
I asked for this early on, but I would like to see either a orthagraphic display (four windows - top/bottom, left/right, front/back and perspective) like most 3D animation programs have. Click one of the windows to have it become full screen.

Or, have a drop down and pick which ever 'camera' you wish to use for editing. It makes precise placement so much easier and professional.

Lastly, allow us to define the grid size for snap to grid. Snap to objects would also be great to make level creation much easier.



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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 9th Jan 2015 15:52
I had this idea some time ago but really didn't want to have to go this far, but I just gave in and just started moving my meshes on the Y axis in modeling software and resaving as a new model. This way when I put them in editor they go where I want. This will make for a lot more models but since I don't build anything elaborate yet, I guess it's not that big of a deal. The importer speeds things up a bit, too.

MAME Cab PC: i7 4770@3.4Ghz (passmark 9945), 12GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX645 (passmark 1898); Shiny new laptop: i7 4800MQ@2.7Ghz (passmark 8586), 16GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX870M (passmark 3598); Old laptop: i5@2.3Ghz, 8GB RAM, Win 7/64, Intel 3000 graphics

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