Scripts / Player health

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 07:14
Is there a way to get the players health yet?
Duncan Peck
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 08:29
SetPlayerHealth(health) - assign a new health value to the player (total health).
AddPlayerHealth(health) - adds additional health to the player
HurtPlayer(e,v) - injure the player, great for custom objects

Not sure there is a way to actually get the current health value but the above commands should do most things in terms of player health... depends what you are trying to write a script to do...
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 11:37
g_PlayerHealth holds current player health

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 13:12 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2015 20:28
Quote: "AddPlayerHealth(health) - adds additional health to the player"

just to clarify that actually needs an entity number not a value

also SetPlayerHealth isn't a good command to use as it doesn't have any noticeable effect in game if you set HP to 0 (or below) so use HurtPlayer(e,v) whenever possible
Quote: "HurtPlayer(e,g_PlayerHealth)"
would be the same as SetPlayerHealth(0) but would also have the desired effect of killing the player for example.

as avram said g_PlayerHealth stores the current HP

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 05:52
What I'm trying to do is to stop the player health going over the maximum when you take a medikit etc. In other words, if playerhealth > 500 then playerhealth = 500. I'll try g_PlayerHealth.
3D Media Maker
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 06:01
Thanks Avram - g_PlayerHealth works perfectly.
smallg - it seems as though SetPlayerHealth takes a health value, not an entity value, as the following script worked for me.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 16:13
yep it does, i was talking about addplayerhealth

life's one big game

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Old Larry
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Posted: 26th Mar 2015 10:34
Good script. I've used this to a Nurse character

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