It's true, I just copy the old command for the WMP in my previous post.
Te correct command for the WMP who working now is:
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Task NowPlaying "C:\storyvideo.wmv"
and the actual video.lua script is:
-- LUA Script - precede every function and global member with lowercase name of script + '_main'
-- Player Enter in video Zone
local timerStarted = {}
local timeset = {}
local wmplayer = {}
local video = {}
local time1 = 0
local time2 = g_Time
local wmplayer_on = 0
local NowPlaying = 0
video = 0
LoadVideo = 0
wmplayer_started = 0
video_started = 0
function video_init(e)
function video_main(e)
if time1 == 0 then
time1 = g_Time
if g_Entity[e]['plrinzone']==1 then
PlayerDist = GetPlayerDistance(e)
if PlayerDist < 90 and video_started == 0 then
os.execute("start wmplayer.exe /Task NowPlaying /fullscreen storyvideo.wmv")
os.execute("start wmplayer.exe /Task Playing storyvideo.wmv",20000)
video_started = GetTimer(e)+20000
The WMP it's opening in game, but I must manually start the Playing, like in picture attached here.
Of course, the part with os.execute("Task Exit wmplayer") is not in lua code for the moment.
P.S. Better was if I can add the dos command in the video.lua script. I mean to can add the WMP path (C:\myvideofile.wmv) after "Task NowPlaying" of video. lua script:
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Task NowPlaying "C:\storyvideo.wmv"
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