Can anyone help me fix this problem I created ? here copy of Lua for barretta weapon. I think it is ok, but it might not be.....
desc = Berretta
;Identity Details
isweapon = 1
quantity = 10
isimmobile = 1
aiinit =
aimain = weapon.lua
aidestroy =
textured = gamecore\guns\user\
effect = effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
transparency = 1
spawnmax = 1
spawndelay = 1000
spawnqty = 1
model = berretta.x
scale = 950
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
defaultstatic = 0
materialindex = 0
soundset = audiobank\misc\weapon.wav
strength = 0
explodable = 0
debrisshape = 0
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
then I copied the dds file to ..\gamecore\guns\user\ , but I got the dds from the original in the folder of ..\files\entity bank\user weapons\berretta\
Still have barely any idea to make it show up in FPS Players Hands, nor do I have much any idea of what I need to .. So I guess I have major learning curve issue atm, but if you show me once I will never forget and constantly do as such .
Some times logic is a conclusion of the illogical ITems