Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Reloaded Game Ranked 17 In World!

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 16:47
Well, I thought it would this would be the best time to release this information as I have gotten copyright protection for the game, and it's assets, For awhile now, Me,Pirate Myke & smallg have been working on this game, in less than 36 hours it will be staring in IndieDB's Indies of the year awards, we have passed up games like minecraft, mount and blade, and amnesia, We have made rankings all the way up to rank 4 in the world, not quite able to pass up Five Nights at Freddies, This goes to show what is possible with reloaded, If you all would like to watch this game fly off like a rocket on indieDB and also on steam. (December 2015) Steam staff told me my game would be greenlight within a week of me putting it up, based on the stats, you can check out the game om indieDB:

Also Myke is under NDA but he asked me to ask if anyone had any assets they would like to see in this game, (buildings, objects etc)

If you would like to know more about this game or request a media kit, you can contact me at It just goes to show that anything is possible with reloaded if you put your mind to it.

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wizard of id
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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 17:52

Had a look at one of the video's posted, sorely disappointed, grass sticking out on a brand new road, totally flat terrain, abnormal symmetrical tree placement, repeated wall fence, completely open, no other scenery items, boxes, crates fences ect or not enough to populate the level properly

Zero level flow, player can literally walk off to which ever direction he wants in and never find the intended path or goal, wind turbines in the middle of nowhere no substation or power wires leading to some where.Screenshot page doesn't fair any better.

I have to be brutally honest, I would be lying otherwise..............This has a really, really long way to go...

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 18:30
@wizard of id, yes this is a very early alpha, everyone on indieDB is aware of that, we are only placing the ground work, the video you saw was an old version, a new version has since been starting and is being made from the ground up, it is no were near
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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 18:39
I just want to make clear before anyone asks again, this is a very early alpha, the game is being built and will take more than a year to complete, the images and videos are development videos, (not us showing a fully functional game) We are currently working on a layout, we are not worried about objects looking funny or being in wrong positions at this time, as I said before we are working on a layout before trying to make the game look proper. Everyone on IndieDB is aware of this, So I wanted to make everyone on the forum aware as well, I mainly made this post to show people that making a successful game is very much possible with reloaded, as you can see, the game we are making will be part of IndieDB's 2014's awards ceremony. Anything is possible with reloaded

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 18:49
Bravo to you and your team! Don't let anybody discourage you from your course. The potential for first class games with the reloaded engine is limited only by our imagination. When I first started my WIP release I was overwhelmed by the negative response, but I took into account the people who encouraged my efforts to overcome those who put me down. I am looking forward to watching your game evolve. There are many talented users like Ralfy, Wolf, and the TGC team here that have helped me, and I'm sure there will be plenty more to come. Go get 'em folks!

Hold still so I can shoot you!
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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 19:01
Thank you Colosso Well said. There are alot of talented people on the forum.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 22:05 Edited at: 9th Dec 2014 22:20
Quote: "will take more than a year to complete"

You should consider that FPSC-Reloaded is still in BETA and will be for quite some time. So I wouldn't try to project a release date for a game running on BETA engine.

Also your game needs a lot more objects in it. At the moment its very open and blocky. To add some realism I'd add some trash cans/bags, pylons and dumpers. Even a few street poles wouldn't hurt.

The outdoor scenes seem a bit too grid fashioned if that makes sense. I think it may be hard for the player to path a point A to B with the type of style your going with. Unless this is a more open world type of game setting.

That's my feedback.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 22:30
@teabone Thank you for your feedback, and yes I agree with some of your points. Thank you none the less, We plan to have it as open-worlded as possible, we have not added in any objects yet as we are still working on layout design, the projected release d
wizard of id
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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 23:14
Quote: "Bravo to you and your team! Don't let anybody discourage you from your course. The potential for first class games with the reloaded engine is limited only by our imagination. When I first started my WIP release I was overwhelmed by the negative response, but I took into account the people who encouraged my efforts to overcome those who put me down. I am looking forward to watching your game evolve. There are many talented users like Ralfy, Wolf, and the TGC team here that have helped me, and I'm sure there will be plenty more to come. Go get 'em folks!"

I will not at any time sugar coat some thing, that should not be in the first place however distaste full it might be, it encourages and enforces bad level design practices. There should not have been screenshots, there should not have been videos, and making excuses and trying to comment on all bad criticism isn't working either.

This not a proper example of what can be done with reloaded.

In the land of the blind the one eyed is king, it's not about discouragement it's about telling the person hey great, you have the power to make a game, however you need to work harder at it.If you don't point out issues, users will never learn and will never aspire to create even better levels.

It takes me as much as 2 to 3 months to create a single level, as much as 2 weeks researching it and a month to create content for which ever level every thing is planned, written down, goals set up and tweaked and produced according to that. I don't simply decide I want to make this great and awesome level without proper planning.

The results will be some thing like the OP did.I am sorry but you need to try harder, to convince me otherwise.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 23:35 Edited at: 9th Dec 2014 23:45
@WOI I think you misinterpretate the meaning of the post, it is not about how the game is, it is about how fast a person can achieve popularity and make peoples heads turn using the engine.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 23:43
Also will note that if you read more into it, this game has had months of preparation, as it was originally called dead of night, countless hours of storyline writing, concepts, thoughts, researching team members, learning about them, contacting them, figuring out what works and what don't work,drawing rough drafts of artwork, the whole 9 yards, you base your feedback off of what you see, and do not learn more about the game before you judge it based on current landscape issues. I am one for honest feedback. In the end I will say this, One does not create a game over night, I have spend a great deal of time getting everything together. I have seen alot of game that had just started development, I don't know why you bash this game, but given a game that has been in developmental stage for less than a month, and to judge it as if it was an already a fully completed and released game beats me and makes me scratch my head. I also have a question, When you first started your comp winner, on the 3rd week of production (Developmental stage) did someone judge your game as if it was a fully functional and completed game?

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 00:07
The game started off from a bad idea, as you can see here, I had made a joke of a video, back in January of 2014,
From that point on it has been trial and error.
starting in march of 2014 I started thinking of idea's, I went through 3 concepts, 7 Different story-lines, multiple models, from then til the current date.
In October of 2014 I Figured out that it was time to start spreading the word and getting concept feedback, after receiving good feedback I proceeded to the next stage.
In Early November 2014 I started a concept steam page, and promoted it and god a lot more good feedback with the concept idea.
In Mid November 2014 I started looking for potential team members and searched the web for a background of them, and searched around of there products and skills.
In Mid/Late November I chose smallg, & Pirate Myke, I contacted then and they agrees that they would like to work on a project together (Due to NDA I cannot go into detail on the agreements they have made)
In Late November I had updated the IndieDB page, We started at rank 9,000+, Model Creation has since started. Rough drafts were sent to each other and myke started creating models and we all started testing them all out.
IndieDB page blew up and everyone loved the idea and concept, I since have been posting how the game is coming along. At no point we said this product is finished.

I just wanted to say that since you said I started a project with no preparation, I have had a year of prep work before I moved along in stages. But I do thank you again for your feedback. And I understand you are frustrated at seeing this project, Also bad feedback is ok, great games have been based of bad feedback.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 02:07
Quote: "NOTE: I just wanted to make something very clear, since It has come to our attention that a certain person seems to think this game is finished and released, I wanted to make it clear, This is in very very Pre-alpha stage!! It has visual bugs, and other issues! We are not worried about overlapping textures or buildings not looking realistic! At a later time we will make everything look nice and visually satisfying "

I didn't see any videos (where are they?), but I accepted the disclaimer. I wish you the best!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 02:09
@Jerry Tremble they should be in older news sections on the indie page. And thank you very much for the support.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 02:41
Looks like it will be fun to play! I realize you have a lot of work ahead of you, but I know this much about myself when it comes to playing games (and I know I'm not alone, I've seen the same sentiment from many others): When I start a game for the first time, the first thing that grabs my attention is the graphics. That is the initial WOW factor. Some games have it, some don't. Great graphics keep my attention for only so long if the game doesn't engage me. If the gameplay is great, the "beauty" element becomes secondary, if not irrelevant. That said, all I saw was a scene in a grocery store with the current lighting of Reloaded. Lots of possibilities there, I thought (Hording? Looting?). Thanks for the quick reply and again, good luck!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 02:48
steam staff feedback, 150 000 word story written, NDA, press kits.......meh, who are you trying to impress ?, I would provide you a shovel but your are digging faster than the shovel can be made....I can actually show you a proper game level, not really the greatest thing since slice bread, but I will be breaking an actual NDA. Pitch, concept , content, design, deadline included in less than 130 hours.

Not saying you have a bad idea, your not grabbing my attention with what has been provided to look at....

Quote: "has come to our attention that a certain person seems....*snip* "
quoted from your page, really, really arrogant too....meh not worth it.If that is your attitude go right ahead even after voting for you in good faith as a fellow reloaded user......Am I not frustrated,I am disappointed says so in the first post... But whatever, go right ahead.....experience nails, arrogance any time of the week.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 02:49
@Jerry Tremble Thank you for your feedback, Instead of bashing the game you nicely gave feedback about the game and made your statement politely, instead of saying I am a failure and have not thought about the game and simply added objects to the game, an
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:02 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 03:05
@Wizard of ID Thank you for your feedback, in regards to "I can actually show you a proper game level, not really the greatest thing since slice bread, but I will be breaking an actual NDA. Pitch, concept , content, design, deadline included in less than
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:10
LOL, I'm not better at anything around here than anyone, and I can prove it! WOI may not deliver criticism the most diplomatically (he's an artist, after all, not a diplomat; ever take culinary advice from a chef?), but his advice is always worth heeding. An open world game takes some crafty ways to create direction, or as I interpreted your synopsis, the direction is purposefully open. Why not?

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:14
I think both parties should walk away from this now. this thread is not a great read for people trying to guage the community of reloaded. And I think community is a very large part of what is going to make reloaded great

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:16
Best advice here, AuShadow!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:19
@AuShadow I agree with you, I am willing to just drop it here, and we both leave it alone. He is an amazing developer and is comp winner was a very amazing game. I do not like arguing with people, I was just excited over being high ranking on indieDB and
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:27
I just have to say this, though: As of the time of my post, this thread has had 1095 views. It's been just over 13 hours since the original post. That's GOTTA be some kind of record!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:30
@jerry tremble I bet 60% of that is most of us coming back to see what everyone was saying lol

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 03:33
LOL, probably!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 04:42
Quote: "not a diplomat; ever take culinary advice from a chef?"
You do know I am qualified chef ? No seriously, qualified back in 2000.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 05:26
After winning the competition and being commissioned by TGC to make the new Escape demo, I think
it's fair to say that wizard of id is rather passionate about reloaded at the moment,......he just wants
to see it put out there in its best light.

While he could have used a little more tact in what he said, I would agree with him that they were not amongst the best screenshots I've seen, and yes, you do have a long way to go with it,... but just keep

Taking criticism is not always easy,.....especially when it comes from someone as straight talking as
wizard of id,.......but its up to you now to show him and everybody else what you can really do,... so
go for it,... and good luck.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 05:42
I see it as rank #3 of 21,566! Wow, impressive! I've never frequented indiedb but will subscribe

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 06:38
@Shadow man

I should maybe better explain, annoyed and irked, disappointed all at the same time ,(Can one be all that at the same time ) ranked 17th in world, great, where is game play and or screenshots that back up the amazing achievement ?

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 07:13
What is Indie DB?
The aim of Indie DB is to connect independent developers of games with players, from the day they start developing their game to the day they release it. On Indie DB we give developers control of the site, allowing them to share details and behind the scenes insight about the games they are creating, in the form of news, images, videos and downloads.

Almost all information you see on the site is posted by the games creators, and as a member of the community we encourage you to provide feedback and to track and support your favorite indies. Independent developers are a passionate bunch, they build games for the love of it and by giving them a voice and the ability to reach you (a potential fan), we hope we are helping them to create better games by fostering feedback between you and them. So get involved, get vocal and share your thoughts, give the developers on Indie DB the ideas and motivation they need to succeed, and above all else have fun - because that is what indie games do best.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 07:15 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 07:16
@xCept Thank you, we have a long way to go on this project, and are thankful to have another person that wants to watch it grow and succeed.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 07:28
I rest my case, ranked based on a game idea, not an actual game

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 07:41
The rank is based upon on how fast he can hit the F5 key. IndieDB Admins will tolerate that for a while before smacking him with a first warning. As soon as ANY form of revenue is involved, Desura PTY will send a nice mail from their legal departement.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 07:47 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 07:54
@Ertlov, yes cause I have so been hitting F5 for the past 3 weeks non stop..... #NOSLEEP!!! people these days... It is not hard to get popular, updating your IndieDB page once a day will give you the people, and if they like it they come back and check up
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 07:49
Great dedication! #sleepisoverrated

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 08:09
Quote: "The rank is based upon on how fast he can hit the F5 key. IndieDB Admins will tolerate that for a while before smacking him with a first warning. As soon as ANY form of revenue is involved, Desura PTY will send a nice mail from their legal departement."
Thanks gave me an idea and thanks it explains a lot..

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 08:25 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 08:29
For instance when i was doing youtube, I promoted Reloaded, I have also promoted multiple other games, my most recent one being a game called the forrest, on which dev's provided me with keys and asked me to do gameplay for them as well as promote there product in a giveaway. Great game by the way. Sorry if I come of as a stuck up individual, I just have been working very hard to get to where I am today, and it shames me when someone takes something that is rising in popularity and calls it fraud,

None of you really care but, in 2010 I was only 16 years old, I was young and didn't know what I was going to do with life, I loved watching youtube, and eventually I came across felix at that time he had a good bit of subscribers, nothing to amazing, but still good none the less, I think it was around 80,000 or around there, I knew I loved video games, I loved everything about them, at that time I was still stuck on a ps3 exclusive called MAG, I saw a video when browsing gaming on youtube about a guide to starting your own youtube channel, long story short there I made my first youtube channel, I was un-aware at the time about youtube and copyright, or any of the youtube guidelines, I ended up getting banned, At that point I ended my broadcasting career for some time, I started working for a pizza company that was ran by my family, the cimino's, after working there for some time, my uncles wanted to promote there restaurant , They already had Italian restaurants spanning from Illinois to new york, I told my uncle to let me come up with a marketing idea, at first he looked at me funny and said, your just a pup, you couldn't sell a slice of pie, long story short, I got them alot of attention, even the attention of celebrities, the most noteable is Flava Flav. Flava Flav was told of the cimino restaurants and seen how I called it a TV Publishers gold mine, Well they ended up hooking up with my uncles, are were going to start a Tv drama series, to start this they had to find a new place, so they ended up setting up Flava Flav's chicken shack in Iowa, After this point I broke off with them as I did want to be in the Tv Show but I didn't want to move, Something happened and they ended up getting into a dispute of some sort, so my uncle reopened his Cimino's in Rockford,Illinois, after a year I stopped looking to become the next celebrity using marketing, and I started doing a new youtube channel, to this day I only use it for game development, I amassed 10,000 subscribers, Since I am no longer bond by contract I am allowed to say that in the short time I have been doing this new channel I have made $6,000, As of the begining of 2014 my uncle once again wanted some marketing, Once again I marketed his pizzeria and this time I based it to a more drama-less crowd, As of right now he has moved out of dumpy rockford and owns 2 Fine Italian restaurants, one in Boulder City Nevada, and the other close to the strip in Vegas, My father is running the one in BC,he has been hosted on a food network show as well, I am not sure how it is easy for me to promote and market, it just is, mainly because I spent time gaining contacts and associates, there have been times when instead of looking for a job to become financial stable I instead only uploaded youtube videos.

So you ask how my game is amassing thousands of people a day? Instead of spending years learning to code, model and the whole nine yards, I instead spent my time gaining contacts, and support for when I need it. Sure I could of just asked my uncle to move me out there and let me live the life in vegas like any normal 21 year old would do, Instead I would rather wait to use that contact, In the future I may need $10,000 or more to promote my game to even more contacts. Sure any man can make a game good or bad, but can he sell that game? I know when the time comes and after long hours of development mine time spent will pay for it self.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 08:54 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 09:14
Now will you stop your harassment of this product, it is very unprofessional and childish especially since you are now a commissioned employed of TGC, in theory you are committing slander against a product of the company of which you are working for, It is not yet a fully standalone game, it is still requiring use of reloaded.

Not sure why they hired you only for you to harass and cause defamation to other peoples doings. this post has been passed to meash, and meash has sent it to the others, when they see this I have a question, Is Wizard of ID a fully employed member of TGC bound by contract? or just a Third party provided media?

if he is bound by contract and is now a Employee of TGC then I would have to say he has committed a good bit of defamation.

As anyone now seeing this would listen to what he has to say, no matter if right or wrong, due to his higher authority, therefor damaging the name of the project on which I am working on.

Due to one of he previous posts, he intends to libel the game name.

Screenshots of this conversation have been taken for any future need. to prevent a user from editing there messages.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 09:33
I have sent an email to dave and next to appropriately respond to your query, thanks

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 09:35
I also have sent an E-mail to Rick, I will not continue to argue with you, And I will let them address this issue. I will state once more, I am sorry to feel such hate towards the product.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 09:38

I'm going to ask everyone to please calm down. It would be a shame to have to lock this thread, but we won't tolerate inflammatory remarks from any users.

Thanks guys,


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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 09:44 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 13:05
Hi shakyshawn, I wish you all the best in your project and good luck, but I do feel you have taken wizard of id advice all wrong he is trying to help you to make a great game. Wizard of id has given me some great advice over the last year and I have Learnt a lot from him.

If you have ever visited the Polycount forums you would know that most members are brutal with there c&c, the members that take the advice go on to make great models & scenes, the members that don't and start to argue are the ones that don't progress and continue to make the same mistakes.

Learn from the c&c it will make a game, a great game

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 09:50
@E30Legend Thank you very much for your advice, I will admit I did respond in an unprofessional manner, But I knew nothing about how this guys tactics were, But to everyone reading this can we please drop the argument against both parties, I asked once to
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 09:54 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 09:55
New update was just Authorized from our friends over at IndieDB! We have a great update showing what we are working on currently! Watch this game in development from scratch to something good! Will also be good for users just starting with reloaded. We will try to keep an update at least once a day, I also have contacted Merchandise retailers, and they finally sent back the custom products(in form of virtual images showing what our products will look like) that I requested, Including Early is the Night 8GB Wafer USB's that will have the game logo on them, as well as hoodies, shirts, wristbands, and socks. Great day for us today!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 10:49
Seat panda for sale, very cheap!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 11:15 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 11:17
So far, everything in this game looks horrible. That is my opinion and it is easily provable if you look at the presented material from an objective, non-biased point of view. However, that is totally okay for an alpha version of a game presented in a beta version of an engine. It can grow and get better and you seem confident that what you are doing here will get better or at least reach a state to be mediocre enough for a widespread release. However, there is confidence and then there is "in less than 36 hours it will be staring in IndieDB's Indies of the year awards, we have passed up games like minecraft, mount and blade, and amnesia, We have made rankings all the way up to rank 4 in the world, not quite able to pass up Five Nights at Freddies, This goes to show what is possible with reloaded, If you all would like to watch this game fly off like a rocket on indieDB and also on steam. "

You have passed up minecraft, mount and blade and the popularity rating of IndieDB...I have too,just didn't tell anyone. Everyone can, you don't even need content for that. You give yourself neither as humble nor selfaware in the way you promote this... qualitites you usually find among indie developers.

Colosso has the attitude not to let anyone discourage you in what you are doing no matter how awful it might be but I find that point of view extremely harmful for selfgrowth and introspective.

Quote: "Reloaded Game Ranked 17 In World!"

Clicks generating title. You get the same from boulevard-media and clickbait. Sensationalist titles like this will only generate hostility and bad reactions towards your game.

Quote: "IndieDB page blew up and everyone loved the idea and concept,"

Eh, not really...there is little feedback on your indie DB page and some of these comments seem (to me) like they are your pals commenting anyway.

Quote: "It just goes to show that anything is possible with reloaded if you put your mind to it."

Look, I know you want to tell us that you can raise a lot of internet popularity with a reloaded game. (Some people care for that while I find it completely trivial... I know I need to advertise my games eventually...but that still has some time ) thats cool, but you do make it sound like you are developing a game superior to the ones we make and we should look up to your project... now I know that is not your intention, but other users might not.

Quote: "Well I have high standards for the product we are working on, and we are going to put a lot of hours into it,"

Exactly! You need to tell us that you are going to make this a great game. Not make it seem like it already is

Quote: "I also have spread this game to 20 of my youtube buddies from when I was doing youtube, I also have a steam concept page, the game is also posted on multiple gaming promotional sites, as well as my personal fb, I used to be marketer for a reason, I built up the proper contacts I needed in my time doing youtube. and now those contacts are paying off. They are promoting my game, just as I promoted there products and gave them attention."

You could have a future in someones marketing-department. But seriously! Just wait until you have like 3-4 screenshots that show a close-to-finished level. That way you might get more people to come back to your project.

Quote: "Sure I could of just asked my uncle to move me out there and let me live the life in vegas like any normal 21 year old would do,"

I don't know any 21 year olds who'd like to do that

Quote: "Instead I would rather wait to use that contact, In the future I may need $10,000 or more to promote my game to even more contacts. Sure any man can make a game good or bad, but can he sell that game? I know when the time comes and after long hours of development mine time spent will pay for it self."

Don't openly tell people that you are going to bribe folks to market/advertise your game. Also don't tell them that your uncle would give you 10 grant for that. ...makes you seem spoiled and incapable of making your own money. Just saying.

Quote: "Not sure why they hired you only for you to harass and cause defamation to other peoples doings. this post has been passed to meash, and meash has sent it to the others, when they see this I have a question, Is Wizard of ID a fully employed member of TGC bound by contract? or just a Third party provided media?"

Its his opinion. Regardless of his relationship with TGC, using this to make him "shut up" would be a low-blow and I believe to know him well enough to tell you that it won't work.

Quote: "As anyone now seeing this would listen to what he has to say, no matter if right or wrong,"

He is right and he has the higher far he is right... you can always make a great game to prove him wrong OR market some substandart junk to the indie-bunch. Both is possible at this point.

If my post seems hostile to'd have to deal with it but it is my opinion and I worded it in what I find to be a civil tone. I don't have any problem with you, Shawn, nor do I know you... I even hope that your game will end up being all that you promise! I wish you the best luck with your further development aswell, just find that what you have made so far isn't good. Pirate Myke and smallG are talented users though, and if they are involved I'm sure something will come out of this.


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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 12:50 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 13:23
Quote: "Now will you stop your harassment of this product"

Quote: "I am sorry to feel such hate towards the product."

Its more so just raw criticism to be honest.

I could write out a complete feedback to what has been presented but I decided to go about it lightly. As I wish you luck on this project I do think you should take into account all feedback you can get from here. Since we have many experienced developers on the forums.

Quote: "UPDATE! We removed the video, we didn't want the video to have the issues it did, and show it all to you guys in its glitched state due to youtube encoding. Will update it and have it on here soon."

I never did get the chance to see the video but I would suggest re-wording your paragraph here. As it is the largest text on your promo page, it will be the first thing people read and it comes off slightly negative. Updates should never be negative.

You should use something more like this:

Quote: "Update: Video has been removed due to technical issues in the youtube encoding process. We will be updating it soon."

and also make it not a header. So basically make it normal sized text and possibly italicized. Also using the word update in caps with an exclamation point to state a problem in a promotional space is not good practice. You should only use that type of stylized text with such a word for GOOD NEWS

Also it would be an awesome idea if you added somewhere on the page that the game is running on Reloaded which is an engine in BETA. That way people get a good idea of it being a work in progress.

I was about to sign off but also need to advise not to use high saturated colours for text on white. You have very bright green text on your promo page and I can't even read what it says.

Again this is just feedback, you don't have to do anything I suggest. My background is in multi-media and I did spend 3 years in advertising during my academics. So I hope that provides some validity to my criticize.

I understand your young and ambitious but as Wolf states be careful how you promote something; as it can come off too forward, welcoming a bad attitude towards your project. I did personally get thrown off by this thread as it came off more as a bragging right rather than the promotion of a project on Indie DB.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 13:06 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 13:19
Quote: "Its his opinion. Regardless of his relationship with TGC, using this to make him "shut up" would be a low-blow and I believe to know him well enough to tell you that it won't work."
I have been asked to refrain from posting a reply, as it may start a whole new argument, as making legal threats really is a joke at best, and provided a good laugh....Dave was concerned that I "lose" it completely :p , wolf pretty summed up my sentiments, I thank him for that

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 13:09 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 13:10
Wow, you (Wolf) have developed diplomatic skills...

Well, Wolf summed it up pretty good, however I have one remark towards shawn:

If you want to earn $$$ from your own developments some day, you need to be a marketing whore to a certain degree. There is nothing wrong about some good old shameless self-advertising - if you have something to show that backs at least some of your claims. And you have to be truthful to a certain degree. Everyone exaggerates when it comes to marketing and advertising, but claiming a higher popularity than indies with millions of customers and AAA production values without having even one close-to-production-quality screenshot is not the smartest move. It makes you look either arrogant or totally naive while always being received as a megalomaniac statement - I am pretty sure that was not your intention, but it is how it feels.

Insults and almost-threats towards community members who already have shown that they can do what you are dreaming / hoping right now, is also... get it, I guess.

However, dont give up, and when you come up with something that looks and feels really good, feel free to ring all the PR bells you can get

PS: Claiming you have a custom built engine in the overview Tab is a violation of IndieDBs guidelines, just to let you know.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 13:31
Quote: "PS: Claiming you have a custom built engine in the overview Tab is a violation of IndieDBs guidelines, just to let you know."

Noticed this as well and was expecting to read FPSC Reloaded.

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