If you are an Artist who sells assets on the Game Creator Store then you might need to take action now.
We are changing the company that runs the store.
* Up to the end of November 2014 it was run and controlled by The Game Creators SOFTWARE Ltd.
* From December 1st 2014 it is now being run by The Game Creators Ltd
Any artist who has any credit due up to the end of November MUST invoice for this before the financial year end (March 31st 2015). Failure to invoice will mean you will lose this money because TGCS Ltd will be closing.
We have emailed all artists and many of you have responded. But there are still artist who have not replied. Maybe your email has changed or you just didn't see the email because it went to spam?
Also don't worry if the money due is lower than $100, we want to clear all the balances.
Please email me so we can make sure you are paid any money owed. Email me here; rick@thegamecreators.com
Development Director
TGC Team