Free Models and Media / making models fpscr ready

Johno 15
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2014 22:59
hey guys, me again
I recently bought a helicopter model on turbosquid in .obj format with 12 textures 9 PNG's and 3 DDS files, I have permission to use it in my game but I have no idea what to do with it to make it game ready. Any help would be appreciated. A picture of the model is attached nd if anybody can help me i could send it to them to work on.
Thanks in advance

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2014 23:36
Fpscr not support multitexture, so if you want to import the model you have to create your unique skin and map the model in blender or 3d studio. Once you have remapped the model and applied the texture, you must export it .x
I also bought some models, but then I realized this problem. Before buying any kind of model, always check that they are with unique texture. It also controls the number of polygons.
Forgive my English

The software I use? ... Autocad, sketchup, Spazio3D, pconplanner, Kerkythea, wings3d,, torque3d.
Johno 15
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2014 23:52
Thanks Bisella, I'll try and do that

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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 14:38 Edited at: 4th Dec 2014 14:49
Multiple textures will work. Just don't specify the texture in the .fpe. The texture info is in the .x file.

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Johno 15
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 16:02
[quote= Multiple textures will work. Just don't specify the texture in the .fpe. The texture info is in the .x file]
thanks jerry so how would I go about making it game ready

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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 17:38
You will still need to convert the model from .obj to Direct x format (.x). Use Blender or whatever program you have. You may need to convert those .png textures to .dds format and reassign them. (Actually, you may not even need to convert them. I am positive I have models that use .png format and they work fine, I just can't find one as an example. I did find one model that uses 21 separate textures all in .jpg format and they work fine too. The castle below is that model. Yes, that's one mesh!). Those formats may not be usable in the future though even though they work now, be forewarned! Next, find an fpe file that is most like the object you are using (building, box, whatever) and edit it to reflect your object (object name, mesh name, etc).Just don't include the texture name, edit that line to be blank or just delete the line altogether and save. Be sure to put all your file in the same folder. This isn't an all-inclusive tutorial, FYI, it just outlines the steps you need to do. Even though I have the day off, I don't have the time to do a complete write-up. Even if I did, it would be a waste of time. There is one in the Docs folder of Reloaded. I believe there are even videos in the videos section of this site. Good luck!

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Johno 15
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 18:37
Thanks so much Jerry, Great help!!

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Johno 15
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 19:12 Edited at: 4th Dec 2014 19:14
REALLY sorry to keep at you but I tried as you said and read the tutorial in the folder however my model loads but it shows up black, i have included a picture of my model folder tell me if i am doing something wrong. Thanks again and sorry

BTW the folder location says entity workshop however i didn't use it at all, i just placed all the files there for ease of access

tir gan teanga is tir gan anam (It's Irish look it up)


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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 19:28
So the model shows up, but no textures? You have the dbo and bin files too. That means the mesh is there and that's great! There are a couple possibilities that I can think of. Either I was wrong and Reloaded DOESN'T like .pngs, or the normals are reversed on your mesh. Are you using Blender? If so, open your obj file and export again as .x, only this time check the flip normals box. make sure you have the other boxes checked that pertain to textures (normals, uv coordinates, materials, etc.) delete the bin and dbo files and relaunch reloaded. Let me know how that goes.

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Johno 15
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 19:47
I'll try that now but just to note when i'm playing with the model in blender i can see the texture perfectly there

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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 19:58
Quote: "when i'm playing with the model in blender i can see the texture perfectly there"

Yeah, things can get messed up on export. What version are you using? I've had mixed results with the exporter above 2.69, and I've seen that others have as well.

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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 20:13
If reversing normals doesn't work, then I would try converting the .png (s) to .dds and re assign them in Blender, then export again. (Remember to always delete the .bin and .dbos before launching Reloaded!!!!)

MAME Cab PC: i7 4770@3.4Ghz (passmark 9945), 12GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX645 (passmark 1898); Shiny new laptop: i7 4800MQ@2.7Ghz (passmark 8586), 16GB RAM, Win 8.1/64, GeForce GTX870M (passmark 3598); Old laptop: i5@2.3Ghz, 8GB RAM, Win 7/64, Intel 3000 graphics
Johno 15
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Posted: 4th Dec 2014 20:33
using blender 2.72, will try your suggestion now

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Johno 15
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Posted: 5th Dec 2014 18:16
Tried everything the same as before but flipped normals on export as you suggested to no avail now when I try to load the model I get an error telling me that such and such doesn't exist on line such and such will experiment on different methods and try and see if anything works.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2014 20:46 Edited at: 5th Dec 2014 20:50
I had the same issue with a model that was made in Blender. I actually left the textures as .jpg files in the entitybank folder and then converted one of the textures to a .dds for the .fpe texture reference so it wouldn't have an issue.

I know it's not preferable, but it's however the .x file (and the original .obj) is referencing the textures, in my case they were JPGs.

Oh, I also have a (texture)_N.png file in there too, I don't remember if that was needed or not.

Edit: Make sure you leave the multiple texture filenames exactly the same as you got them. e.g. paint_text.jpg as opposed to the regular way of naming it the same as the model name. That one texture I converted and referenced in the .fpe was the only one I named the same as the model.

Hopefully that helps a little bit.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 5th Dec 2014 21:25
Sorry that's not working for you! I've had that issue many times in the past but have not had an issue since I reverted back to 2.69. Flipping the normals has worked in the past for me, I'm just not sure which version it was. I wish I'd taken notes as to what I did and when... I do know referencing the texture in the fpe isn't necessary. It makes no difference. The castle above has no texture line whatsoever. So I guess you can uncheck the flip normal box on your next export! I'll do a little brainstorming and see if I can come up with any other advice. In the meantime, good luck! Maybe someone else can chime in here with some ideas. I'm sure pretty much everyone that has modeled in Blender has had this issue at least once with Reloaded.


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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 07:13
Hello, i have similar problem. Take a look at the picture. Model is from Arteria3d. Its working fine in other engine, but what ever i do, i turn it, flip, what ever, it looks the same in fpsc:r. Object is turned on Z Axes. I turn it around in FragMotion and save ( export ) but no change. Can someone help. I have a lot of Arteria3d models, and they are all the same.

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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 15:04 Edited at: 6th Dec 2014 15:23
otrov77: Yours is easy, depending on the software you use, of course. I have the same model. The castle above is from Arteria as well. The handedness of the model need to be flipped. NOT the normals! I use Ultimate Unwrap for the majority of my model converting because, well, it really is the ultimate. The only way I've been able to do the equivalent in blender is to go into the UV editor and reverse each textures UV coordinates. Very time consuming. In Ultimate Unwrap, it's simply a checkbox on export. Maybe there is an easier way in Blender, I just don't know what it is! Yours should look like this:

ortrov77: I have fragmotion but seldom use it. However, I think it has the same option. Here is a link to their forums explaining what is going on:

Hope that helps! That thread is 7 years old so I hope he has added it by now!

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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 07:03
Hey man, thank you I will try that.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 07:53
@Jerry Tremble Thanks man, i have try it and it is WORKING Thanks a lot.

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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 13:56 Edited at: 7th Dec 2014 14:02
No problem, otrov77. Just a little heads up: Some of the other Arteria models also have text on them, whether graffiti or signs on the buildings. This, of course, is where the reverse texture/handedness becomes obvious. There are a couple buildings at least where if you flip handedness, it corrects some of the textures but other text will still be reversed! (The building with the Mariane Fabrics sign comes to mind, I still haven't corrected mine. Just easier not to use the building ) The only way I know to correct that is to open the mesh in a UV editor (Blender) and correct those manually. Good luck!

Now if I can just figure out Johno's issue!...

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Johno 15
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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 16:12
Thanks @Jerry Tremble, I've experimented around quite a bit to no avail so Thanks so much and let me know if you do find anything.


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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 17:22
Johno-a lot of it is just trial and quite often, error. (until you get it right; then of course you stop trying, unless you enjoy the frustration) I've run out of ideas. BTW, which model is it you bought at turbo squid? If it's cheap enough, maybe I'll buy it and have a look. I know much of their stuff is rather pricey!

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