I know we already have a "global script", but when FPSC:R includes more than 1 level in a game I foresee challenges regarding scripts collaborating between levels.
For this reason I'd like to suggest an in-editor way of specifying one or more scripts for the level to maintain at all times. Creating entities and making them always active is our only current means of doing something like this, and to be frank it's not only a bit of a hassle but it's clearly a workaround. I hope we can work past this obstacle by providing a way to give each level their own global script(s), perhaps through a "Level Properties" or "Level Scripts" where the user can browse for and add scripts from the bank into a list. When the level is run by the engine, these scripts will auto-execute as they would from an always active entity.
Doing this would provide us with an easy method of creating cross-level scripts and prevent us from having to create an additional entity that would increase render/process time per frame (no matter how small it may be).
I'm sure there's already a thread about it somewhere, if a link could be provided, I will post there.