Quote: "I think the ability to make the default entity lights flash would be a great effect without to much hassle for Lee to implement..
For example....Place a light entity ....right click and select ....Light = ( with options ) Random Flicker / Flicker every 10 seconds / turn off in 10 seconds/ etc
I think it would be brilliant for atmospheric effects for use in weather, derelict ships, old buildings and much more"
We used to have this in Classic. However, instead of options to control the flicker speed/ variation, there was a separate script that controlled it. This document was stock. If you wanted a light that was on constantly, you used Light1.fpi and if you wanted it to flicker, you used Light2.fpi. Very simple.
I can imagine this can be done with Lua already! I know SmallG has managed to use a script to control the overall ambience and make everything dark, then light again. Might be worth asking him or another coder?