Work In Progress / A Season In Hell

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Posted: 10th Oct 2014 08:28
Title: A Season In Hell

Creator: Cycleops

Prologue: During the recent Ebola outbreak the virus mutates with a mortality rate of 99%. Fearing the virus will cross the US border from Canada, the US Government launches a preemptive nuclear strike attempting to wipe out the virus and the infected in Canada. The high levels of radiation cause the virus to mutate yet again, allowing it to infect the living and dead a like.

I have been working on this game for almost a year now and I finally have the some screen shots I would like to share. I hope to start adding some custom characters as soon as version 1.9 is released. I have been recently begun working with lighting and the fog to attempt to capture the feeling of a post apocalyptic world. The idea of a nuclear war and zombie pandemic was to incorporate zombies as well as mutated monsters from the fall out. Any feedback would be appreciated.

I adopted the title from a French Poet Arthur Rimbaud, who wrote the book, "A Season In Hell".



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Posted: 10th Oct 2014 20:59
Looks good so far. There seems to be huge anticipation for v1.009, and it'll be interesting to see what people do with it.
Bolt Action Gaming
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Posted: 10th Oct 2014 21:13
Really nice looking so far. Good integration of the various purchased elements.

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Posted: 11th Oct 2014 03:10
I agree with you regarding 1.9, I hope Lee can get the performance issues fixed as well as adding the ability to add our own custom characters. So far I have been playing with some lua scripts trying to get some of my custom characters to work but I have had limited success.


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