Ah! My cries have not fallen on deaf ears
I just tried it, and while I like the principle, its a little bugged.
It does not copy the full name of the .dds texture. If my model uses, for example, a texture named "arched.dds" the converter copies it as "rched.dds". In one case just ".dds".
It does not translate the scale value which is essential. All my converted models are dwarven size now
Entertaining but not the desired effect.
Suggestions: Having the tool generate missing shadermaps automatically (one should be able to switch this on or off). The old entitie maker for FPSC was able to allow the user to take a snapshot for an icon picture. Having this activate automatically if an icon is missing would be neat, but not at all essential. Just an idea.
I'm confident that, once this tool is finished, it'll be perfect
Good work so far.
Besides: I noticed a lot of Wolf going on in your entitybank there...thanks for the support! I really appreciate it!
"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
"absurdity has become necessity"