Free Models and Media / Vishnu Product Pack

GameGuru Tool Maker
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Posted: 15th Sep 2014 21:28 Edited at: 15th Sep 2014 21:32
Hi all,

I've had a few people ask about vishnu packer so here the pack again it has :-

Vishnu packer

Vishnu capture

Vishnu lock

Vishnu launcher.

I will update with more info what these do but they do come with manuals how to use and what they for.

Donation welcome to keep these projects alive:-


Vishnu Lock

Version Number :- v1.2

Price :- Free

Runs on Windows xp/vista/windows 7 and windows 8

Works with fpsc x9 and x10

Key Features

Easy to use.

Multikey Protection system.

Keygen to make any Product keys.

New crypto encryption to protect your games frm Bruteforce attacks.

Two way 100 unit encrypte passwords.

High compression rate.

Custom image supports(jpg,bmp).

Renames folder and exe.

Automatically places games in "Vishnu Locked Games" folder on the desktop.

Pack Any Game with one exe.

Fpsc-ip 4 supported.

Leaves very little footprint on your games.No watermarking or splash screens.

Works with vishnu Packer.

Pack model Packs.

(NEW) Computer locked.

(New) Better protection system added (still more work to be done.)

Welcome to the Vishnu Lock Official Thread.

What is Vishnu Lock ?

Vishnu Lock is a new program where you can give your Games a Product key, It can make multi Keys in any format you wish protecting the games.


Vishnu packer

Version Number : 9.1 and 9.2

Price : Free

Runs on Windows xp/vista/windows 7 and windows 8

Works with fpsc x9 and x10

Key Features

Easy to use.

New crypto encryption to protect your games frm Bruteforce attacks.

Two way 100 unit encrypte passwords.

High compression rate.

Custom image supports(jpg,bmp).

Custom music loop playback while loading game supports (mp3/wav/and ogg).

Renames folder and exe.

Automatically places games in "Packaged Games" folder on the desktop.

Automatic "Savefile" and "Gamesaves" folder creatin to save your game saves.

Pack FPSC games and None Fpsc games.

Basic realtime protection.

(NEW)Xbox Controller support.

Password Protection system.

Fpsc-ip 4 supported.

Leaves very little footprint on your games.No watermarking or splash screens.

Drag and Drop images,gifs and the game folder you want to pack.

Icon changer (change the icon of your packed game.)

Animated gif support.

bar color change.

Background color change.

Change the text in the button to launch and exit.

Change color of text in buttons to launch and exit.

What is it ?

Its a game packing program to pack your games and give you a little bit more protection.

Thanks to:

Scene commander for the manual.

Errant for the new packing design.

xplosys for Game settings app.

Gencheff for the new logo.




Vishnu launcher


Vishnu capture

Screen capture software.



Download it from here :-

Best s4real

Specs :- Amd fx4100(4.0),6gb of ram,

MSI AMD Radeon HD 7770 ,windows 8.1 64 bit version.
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Joined: 24th Jan 2014
Posted: 16th Sep 2014 16:40
Thanks s4real ...
Expect to find these nicely presented and available on Reloaded Files next update

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