Feature Creep / Changes and packs to broaden the horizon of FPSCR towards RPG games (please read)

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 04:27
Before I delve into my suggestions, I want to establish myself. I am not a dreamer. I understand the work it takes to program advanced features, and thus have listed only my suggestions which I see most feasible.

As the title might suggest, I am looking for a fantasy pack, much like several in the original FPSC. It seems a little pointless that the legacy pack includes so much medieval architecture, as I find almost no opportunity to use it. They are beautiful models, but pointless in a system full of special ops soldiers and Uzis. I have been an open world RPG guy for a long time, and would love to make some Elder Scrolls-like games, if I am only given the opportunity. That said, here are my suggestions:

1. A civilian script- nothing much, just enough to have them wander around with a hint of intelligence and run if attacked
2. Fantasy characters- knights, villagers, minotaurs, dragons, trolls, giant killer rabbits, whatever
3. A wildlife script- very similar to the civilian script, only running if the player gets too near
4. Wildlife- deer, horses, birds, fantasy wildlife, etc
5. Medieval and fantasy weapons- swords and/or shields (perhaps left click could raise a shield, and scroll could equip/unequip shield, or sword and sword+shield could be separate pickups). Likewise, wands would be a cool edition. Rather than a complex system of spells and catalysts (like in Dark Souls), spells could be determined by the type of wand picked up. For example, a fire wand will never shoot anything other than a fireball.
6. Dialog- when a character gets within a certain range of the player, the player could press a button to display NPC text. If this feature is added, branching dialog would be a cool edition down the road, but I understand that isn't an easy update.
7. Bartering- down the road, this could also be a cool feature. Certain characters could be defined as merchants, and would accept a certain form of currency for the purchase of weapons, arrows, and health packs. However, I understand that this also would require a complex inventory system, which also wouldn't be an easy build.
8. Day and night cycles- while I know that you just read that and rolled your eyes, I think there is a moderately easy approach to this. If ambient light could be made to cycle slowly between two points, and the skybox was dynamically cycling between the sun and the moon, it could be possible to align these so as to create the illusion of day and night (for the record, dynamic weather would be cool, too, but there's no easy way to do that)
9. More realism to the water- you recently added more realism to cliff faces, so as to remove the look of stretched Silly Putty, (excellent work, by the way), and I think that this update could be expanded to water, too. As it is, water is little more than a blue-tinted mirror. I'm not asking for direction of flow and height of waves, but little ripples here and there would make the water look much more realistic.
10. And, finally, the make or break of an RPG: a questing system- this, admittedly, could be a tough build. However, it could be gone about in a relatively simple way. When x amount of y enemies are killed, when x amount of y collectibles are collected, (etc), show z text immediately or the next time you talk to xy NPC.

Many of these suggestions seem relatively doable, although some are a little optimistic, but I think they could significantly broaden the horizons of FPSCR. Keep up the good work

In regione caecorum rex est luscus
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 14:04
I don't think TGC is going to build in automated RPG elements like some of your suggestions. You should get together with a good programmer and have them script the stuff you want since some of what you have listed is possible right now.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 23:23
Maybe they might not put in some of the more far-fetched suggestions, but the classic FPSC had some fantasy elements. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some medieval characters and weapons pop up eventually, as the wider range of creation ability could increase sales/pledges. I wouldn't make any assumptions until we hear from a TGC associate (btw: great work in the competition)

In regione caecorum rex est luscus
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2014 23:32
Oh, they'l have fantasy and melee for sure. I was mainly referring to the questing and inventory and stuff like that. Not sure how much automation you're going to see in that area for RPG games.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.0085
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Posted: 6th Sep 2014 01:19
I already plan on expanding my knowledge of 3d modeling into character design, So I might make an animal pack in the future, animals are easier then humans. The scripting isn't going to be too complicated, you could do it yourself by modifying the current one in place, with little to no knowledge.

Dialog is already possible, however its very limited. So is every other feature if you know how to code.(hint hint any coder looking for $$ might find selling a few Quest system scripts a great way to rake it in)

Water is soon going to be improved as well as an overhaul of the shader system which I don't think would work if their was a day and night cycle: http://fpscreloaded.blogspot.co.uk/

Some of your other requests you can vote for here at: http://fpscreator.thegamecreators.com/features.php


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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 23:24
I'm a little new to LUA scripting and the like, but I'm pretty experienced when it comes to programing with basic languages. How would I add dialog (limited as it may be)?

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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 05:31
Lee was once working on an inventory system for Reloaded way back. I wonder how far along that came?

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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 15:22
Oh, ya. Didn't the features section early on say an inventory system?

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Posted: 29th Sep 2014 20:25
I'm not really a programmer myself(failed math )
However I believe their is a reloaded command for it.(try using the visual lua, it should do the trick)


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Posted: 30th Sep 2014 21:39 Edited at: 30th Sep 2014 22:08
Hello there! I am currently prototyping an RPG-esque game. While I made a lot of progress in old FPSC already it takes a while to get it all working in Reloaded...and to adjust it to the higher quality achievable. While it might seem like it, I am not trying to tell you to get "them skillz and do tha work yourselfs". I am only telling you how things can be accomplished right now. There might be premade/easier solutions in the future... however, in old FPSC 90% of making a game took place outside of the FPSC editor... it will likely not be much differen in Reloade (or whatever they will name it... lets refer to it as toaster in this post.)

Quote: "I am looking for a fantasy pack, much like several in the original FPSC."

Ah! Come on! They are convertable. Scene Commander is even working on a batch converter to make it quick. Shadermaps are easy to figure out aswell. (And should be common knowledge to any game maker...at least specular and normalmapping, everything else can be put aside for future study).

By the way, I sell a lot of fantasy stuff in the store, and there is much more to come. Feel free to shop around

Quote: "A civilian script- nothing much, just enough to have them wander around with a hint of intelligence and run if attacked"

You'd have to fill in the animationframes for your characters if you are reffering to a premade script. Other than that, this should be really easy and will most likely happen.

Quote: "2. Fantasy characters- knights, villagers, minotaurs, dragons, trolls, giant killer rabbits, whatever"

We already have an abundance of really cheap fantasy chars in the FPSC Classic modelpacks. You can shop some more on Dexsoft and Arteria3D once you are more advanced in "the occult arts of getting stuff to work".

Quote: "3. A wildlife script- very similar to the civilian script, only running if the player gets too near"

Again, really easy but has to be adjusted to each model. Unless you always use the same animation frames, which you will likely not.

Quote: "4. Wildlife- deer, horses, birds, fantasy wildlife, etc"

In the old store, FPSC user erart has published some awesome animals. I posted his elephants in the Screenshot gallery on here if you wanna take a look.

Visit this store aswell. Their stuff needs a lot of tweaking but they have frequent specials that make them really affordable.

Quote: "6. Dialog- when a character gets within a certain range of the player, the player could press a button to display NPC text. If this feature is added, branching dialog would be a cool edition down the road, but I understand that isn't an easy update."

I will likely have this in spyra. It will require a script that plays a character animation alongside a wav file of the dialogue and the text displaying. So much about the easy part... having this all in sync will be the hard one. Perhaps I will simplify it though. This worked in old FPSC aswell. I agree with you that a simple, premade dialogue tool much like in the RPG maker series would be cool.

Quote: "7. Bartering- down the road, this could also be a cool feature. Certain characters could be defined as merchants, and would accept a certain form of currency for the purchase of weapons, arrows, and health packs. However, I understand that this also would require a complex inventory system, which also wouldn't "

Premade custimisable store. That would rock, I agree.

Quote: "Day and night cycles- while I know that you just read that and rolled your eyes, I think there is a moderately easy approach to this. If ambient light could be made to cycle slowly between two points, and the skybox was dynamically cycling between the sun and the moon,"

I'm assuming and reading between the lines here, but I wouldn't plan too far into making an openworld type game like morrowind etc. Whe can make huge levels compared to FPSC Classic now, but I doubt that we will make huge open-world games that would need a day-night cycle. (not the type of game a single person can really do anyway so don't worry about it)

Quote: "water"

I'm hoping for better shader support than there was in Classic. If that is the case we will likely load in any water DBPro can run. I want to use evolveds stuff!

Quote: "10. And, finally, the make or break of an RPG: a questing system- this, admittedly, could be a tough build. However, it could be gone about in a relatively simple way. When x amount of y enemies are killed, when x amount of y collectibles are collected, (etc), show z text immediately or the next time you talk to xy NPC."

Well...you will likely have to script. Objectives where easy to do in old FPSC though so I assume it will be even better in toaster.

In conclusion, this seems all very doable... I will attempt to suceed at most of these myself. Maybe we can share our advancments on the forums. What is to come boxed with toaster... I hope for the best but prepare for the worst

Quote: "In regione caecorum rex est luscus"

A latin quote in your signature... and such a worn-out one aswell? In a pretentious mood, are we? Bah! Nevermind me, just heckling ya


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Posted: 7th Oct 2014 15:27
Actually, we have talked about a simple RPG system using a set of pull down menus to create a simple, progressive, linear quest system, and some of the code exists. However, it'll be someway off as we're currently focusing on performance and visual.. But you don't know what the future will hold.


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Posted: 22nd Oct 2014 02:49
1: Thanks for the inspiration Scene Commander! Great to know that it's coming, and can't wait to see what y'all do with it. Considering the great work you've already done, I don't even need to see it to know it'll be great!
2. Thanks for the advice, Wolf. Great to have some advice from an expert. Thanks again for the very (VERY) detailed breakdown of my post (I add both "very"'s because of your last quote from me)

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2014 16:51
"Actually, we have talked about a simple RPG system using a set of pull down menus to create a simple, progressive, linear quest system, and some of the code exists. However, it'll be someway off as we're currently focusing on performance and visual.. But you don't know what the future will hold."

YES! Please. When this is developed I will pledge an organ.
Without some sort of quest-system and dialogue tool, it will really just remain an arena shooter. A tool like this will allow us to actually create stories and plot-lines. Immersion really does need the player to have some element of choice or agency, though, and dialogue is great for this. If the basics are there, I'm sure scripters will quickly build on it too. I think it would really be cool to be able to talk your way past a guard instead of just attack him on sight. Also, to choose to complete a quest in more than one way (brute force, stealth or diplomacy). To be able to change AI scripted behaviours through selecting certain dialogue choices, for example. If player did 'A' in scene 1, then bridge guard in scene 3 will be set on behaviour script 'B', otherwise behaviour script 'C'. Somewhere a record will need to be kept of all the 'options' the player chose/performed (a character profile). This may also be fun for calculating achievements (eg: 'Quiet as a Mouse' or 'Heavy Weapons Aficionado') or assist in calculating victory scores for single-player games or to determine if the player finishes the game as a Master of Evil or Paragon of Virtue. Yes ... I have been playing too many Bioware games ... .

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