To simply get a camera to follow a animated character would take less than 500 lines, in DB at least. Compared to actual AI it should be a breeze. I'd prefer the performance of the engine to be improved first though, as these sort of options are not really needed yet. Yes it would be nice to say have a mirror and see a reflection of your character for instance, or from water, or even go into 3rd person mode in some games. But the main engine needs to be faster yet really, before we add more extra stuff. We will get some new toys with the hot fix, along with some (okay not so incredible as yet) zombies to play about with.
Certainly though at some point it would be nice too, if not an entire body, but at least actions for opening doors, draws, cupboards etc. Also, especially with Zombies, a proper grappling system where enemies can grab you and such would be better than the standard get close and swing wildly seen up to now.
I think now TGC has added a few more things, and with the object importer and construction kit being worked on again, that time will be spent on more speed improvements, and crucially bug fixes. I'm sure we would all like a more fluid game experience from our creations and more stability would be much welcomed, for those of us who push Reloaded to it's limits and break it often.
SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 260GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.