so this is a function that exists, however this says nothing.
What I would like to know is something like this
// I realize this isn't lua code
function StartParticleEmitter(e, rate, start, end, life, dX, dY) {
// Set the item, player, object that you wish to have the emitter emit from
affectedEntity = this->e;
// the rate of flow this emitter will produce (choose a value between 0 and 10,000
flowRate = this->rate;
// so on and so on
What information gets passed. Are we suppose to just try trial and error? It seems to be this way with every line of code that we have access to. If it's not already being used in a script that exists by tgc there isn't even the slightest hint of what needs to be done or what information we pass to functions.
It seems to me that on most scripts everything just reference e(entity) without any reference or commenting as to why the code is doing what it is doing.... that was fine with the old fpscreator because seriously the code was *Mod Edit* proof, but now we are using lua which is infinitely more complicated that what existed before.
TGC needs to learn how to properly document their code and their examples. This is not cool. I am fine with being a gold backer and hell I would be fine with being a platinum donator, but not until they learn how to *Mod Edit* document their stuff. There is no excuse, every programmer knows to do this.
I will not take lee and the guys serious, until they start DOCUMENTING THEIR CODE