Feature Creep / Are there any FPSC Classic commands you'd like to see ported into Reloaded?

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Posted: 30th Jul 2014 10:46
Hi Guys,

I think the title says it all. We often get requests for various FPSC Classic FPI commands to be made available as a LUA command in Reloaded. Do you have any scripting actions or conditions you'd like to see? We obviously can't promise all will make the grade. Some might already be included in one form or another and some are now obsolete due to the power of LUA over FPI.

I'll keep this thread up to date so you can see what has already been suggested.


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Posted: 30th Jul 2014 16:36 Edited at: 30th Jul 2014 16:45
Oh man I have so many commands in Classic I really did like using. Would be hard to say which of them are the ones I liked best; off the top of my head. Perhaps I'll come back around to this thread sometime with some examples.

I did like the action "ragdoll" which would cause the enemy to instantly ragdoll.

"plrdistwithin" and "plrdistfurther" conditions were both conditions I used quite frequently. Also "random" was a condition I used quite a lot to help create more realistic AI behaviors with alternative actions to follow. Though I'm sure LUA already has an easy way to calculate these three conditions. I never did play around with "underwater" much but I can see that being quite useful in Reloaded.

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Posted: 31st Jul 2014 08:52 Edited at: 31st Jul 2014 09:07
Alt texture comes to mind, would be even better if more than one alt texture could be used, perhaps a way to use Atlas sheet coordinates would work best as this would enable use of the same shader and diffuse,normal,spec maps

Would work great for triggering progressive damage etc.You could even alternate video textures with classic.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum...
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2014 14:09
I'm fairly confident you'll be seeing alt texture very soon. I actually added the video texture code to the original source and I was always impressed with how much you managed to squeeze from the feature.

It is on the list, but quite a way down, but like all things, if it becomes a more requested feature, schedules are open to change.


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2014 16:10
I also found the Player distance/proximity commands in FPSC very useful to control how far away I could make an enemy approach to player before attacking (shoot close, or not) or stopping to speak to the player, both before enemies or characters would actually walk straight into the players face. This was also useful to control characters on paths and make the stop and do something or move on.

Personally never a fan of melee games so don't by and large use many characters up close and in my face a foot away from me though the option I can also find a use for at sometime I am sure.

Follow player was also a useful script and the above also relates to that as in Classic follow would mean touch unless controlled by player distance or alike. Touch or thereabouts I found useful with the following....

Float, gravity which have many other wonderful uses too.

I guess there are many users could refer to though presumably Reloaded already has some of these incorporated or will be planned to provide support for or similar later via Lua as supplied scripts or user definable scripting?

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Posted: 8th Aug 2014 16:38
I seem to remember in X10 you could adjust the reflectivity of entities. That might be nice.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2014 20:14
I remember there were some commands for raising and lower water. That was cool and I liked how it moved in real-time to the higher or lower position.

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