I also found the Player distance/proximity commands in FPSC very useful to control how far away I could make an enemy approach to player before attacking (shoot close, or not) or stopping to speak to the player, both before enemies or characters would actually walk straight into the players face. This was also useful to control characters on paths and make the stop and do something or move on.
Personally never a fan of melee games so don't by and large use many characters up close and in my face a foot away from me though the option I can also find a use for at sometime I am sure.
Follow player was also a useful script and the above also relates to that as in Classic follow would mean touch unless controlled by player distance or alike. Touch or thereabouts I found useful with the following....
Float, gravity which have many other wonderful uses too.
I guess there are many users could refer to though presumably Reloaded already has some of these incorporated or will be planned to provide support for or similar later via Lua as supplied scripts or user definable scripting?