Scripts / <eof> expected near end

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Posted: 17th Jul 2014 00:58
I made a lockpick script back in FPSC, and wanted to port it over to FPSC-R so I used this.
But I am getting a error: "<eof> expected near end"
Here is the script.

Any Ideas on how to fix it?
Thanks, I knew my way around FPI, but I am lost with lua.

User Banned
Posted: 17th Jul 2014 02:26 Edited at: 17th Jul 2014 02:31
You can't use that script at all since you are referencing commands that don't even exist in the Lua version. You need to study up on what commands are available and translate your code to Lua. I believe someone has a partial fpi to lua converter that you can use as a starting point, but you are better off just doing it from scratch.

EDIT: I see you used that converter already. I believe that's just proof of concept and can't really do a full conversion since commands are missing still.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.0071
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Posted: 17th Jul 2014 02:58
Okay, Thank you.
I just don't want to learn lua and make all these lua scripts then they switch back to FPI.
Also what really helped me learn FPI is this
Is there anything like that for lue to your knowledge?

User Banned
Posted: 17th Jul 2014 03:37
There's no switching back to fpi. Fpi is not going to be supported in Reloaded. There isn't any comprehensive training on Lua for Reloaded, but there is comprehensive training for Lua just as a language.

For specifics to Reloaded, read up on the threads in Scripts here on the forums and analyze people's scripts and ask a lot of questions.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.0071
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Posted: 17th Jul 2014 16:12
Yeah, that's my converter, but not working yet, until all fpi_ functions are defined. And as Reloaded functions are still not completely connected with LUA, we can't define all of them just yet. I am afraid you will have to wait a little bit more until we can make one to one FPI to LUA converter.

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