Scripts / Text Tutorial Script Help Needed Please.

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2014 06:01 Edited at: 3rd Jul 2014 06:02
I'm fairly new with lua, and I know I messed up this script a bit but I will upload what I got so far, its messed up I had it more organized but here it is. I tried to make a workaround and the first prompt comes up and stays on screen fine. but when I go to press E to get it to go to the 2nd prompt and instead it goes to the last one and goes away.

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2014 11:36
im going to be short here due to being on limited time so sorry i couldn't write it up for you, but with a little digging through scripts on the forum you will find in there conditions where the E key must be released before it could be pushed again and simpliy it heaps sort of like this:

as at the moment your script ius reading when E is pushed but as it doesnt need to be released it just cycles all the way through very quickly
note this is not a working script just short example snippets

see how you go with that , should stop it cycling until you release then re apply the e key

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2014 12:10 Edited at: 3rd Jul 2014 12:18
couldn't help myself, i've written the script and tested on my laptop so here u go, but i would try yourself using the hints above before looking at this one, and also in my testing i found it better to declare your variables before the _init function. anyway hope all this helps

oh and the Prompt is in there just seems to be white, lol u can see it if you highlight it

also added the working .lua file as an attatchment

edit also feel free to use my hunger and thirst script if you want that in there aswell

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2014 17:41
Awesome, this gives me a better understanding thanks alot.

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