Scripts / [ANNOUNCEMENT] [code] tags are required for this board

The Next
TGC Web Engineer
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Joined: 3rd Dec 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 7th Jun 2014 00:53 Edited at: 30th Jan 2015 17:01
Please correctly use the code tags, from now on we will moderate threads, meaning if needed locking/deleting those that do not correctly use code tags with the right code highlighting.

We want the scripts board to grow and be a popular place to post and collaborate on scripts and for this to work code tag usage is a must.

LUA script example

*Remove the _ character in the example




Windows 7 Pro, Intel i7 3.8 GHz (Passmark: 9021), 16GB DDR3, NVIDIA GTX 780 4GB Superclocked (Passmark: 8056)

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