Quote: "I suspect it is to stop the player from being able to move until something has happened."
If that's the case then he's out of luck because just delaying in a loop isn't going to accomplish that. But for your issue, DVader, I know of a way you can do this at the start of the game if you want to know. You start the player in a spot that is surrounded by invisible walls. He won't be able to move, but he will be able to look around. Then you can destroy those walls after a set length of time or in response to pressing the E key at some point. As for doing it in other areas I suppose you could have invisible walls in certain places that spawn on a trigger and they would trap the player until you let him free to wander.
System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.007