Feature Creep / Correctly deal with privileges and folders

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Posted: 5th Jun 2014 22:05
(Hi all - first time posting. Debated with myself whether to put this in the bug reports forum, but decided it must be a feature and conscious decision)

On my first start up of FPSC Reloaded, I chose to open one of the sample levels and was then greeted with a popup telling me I can't write to Program Files and need to restart the EXE as admin. I then got stuck in a nasty loop of things trying to load (I'm guessing) and having to click error box OK's. I ended up just task-manager killing the application. It wasn't a welcoming first experience, but this is obviously not release software so you're forgiven

Anyhoo. I assume if I ran the EXE as admin (right-click) it would cope with this and would then proceed to write program (user) data into my Program Files folder, rather than one of the folders designed for this and totally accessible to a non-admin EXE. Use of the "User/XXX/My Documents" and "User/XXX/AppData" folders have been a Windows standard for quite a few years now so I wonder why the choice was made to ignore that and then have to battle with the admin/privilege problems this causes?

Personally I'm so used to this now it comes as a surprise when my data *doesn't* get written out into the My Documents or AppData hierarchy and I have to go out searching for it in program folders. Besides just being a tidy separation of code/data, I think it would also help with the first-use experience.

Unless there's some good reasons for needing admin rights I'm not aware of.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 00:46
As far as I'm aware, the admin rights are only used to write to the program files, I think this is probably inherited from older software when that was the norm.
I believe you need to set both the mapeditor and the FPSCreator EXE's to admin - you can do this in properties so you never have to again.

I know in classic the model pack's (both TGC and independent) installed to program files as well, so updating it then would have resulted with the media in both places - which is confusing. I have to admit, save applicaition files I never use Documents any more, everything builds up on the desktop until I file it away on the external! (Bad practice I know, I end up with too many "misc" and "desktop" folders )

It would certainly be an advantage to have the main user editable files in documents (scriptbank, entitybank, etc.) as this would make the updating of things far quicker, I have to edit scripts on desktop and copy back.

But please please, do not put this stuff in appdata! I find that very annoying, as hidden by default when I wipe my PC to refresh/upgrade/whatever I always forget to back it up and loose countless save files... I wish the folder was visible to start with!

It would be handy to shift to Documents soon if this is to happen though, before there are installers for addons/etc. using the C: directory.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 09:53 Edited at: 7th Jul 2014 18:47
This will be addressed soon. It's on our ' to do list'.


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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 14:49
Honestly I have never understood the whole admin rights thing in the first place! On every computer I've ever owned since the whole thing came about (I don't remember when) I have set my self up from the beginning as administrator, which makes sense, since I am the only one that uses them. However, as of win 7 I am constantly told that I need administrator rights to make changes, etc., unless I go in to each program individually and grant myself admin rights. It kinda stands to reason that if I am the administrator, and I want to execute a change, shouldn't I have admin rights already? Anyway, with win 8 I just started installing every application automatically with admin rights for everyone, DEP off (on apps that will let you) and compatibility for XP SP 3 or 2 if necessary. Don't know if that was totally necessary or if it makes my machine less secure, but I found most of my software needed those settings to run properly, so I just started doing it to everything!

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Posted: 5th Jul 2014 07:35
Admin rights are NOT required for FPSCR to run, and is actually a bad decision to do so.

Navigate to the folder when FPSCR is installed, (C:\Program Files (x86)\The Game Creators),
Right-click on "FPS Creator Reloaded" folder
Select Users
In Permissions for Users, put a tick in "Modify"

Now, if your FPSCR executable gets infected with some nasty virus/Trojan, it will only be able to wreck the FPSCR folder structure, not your whole PC.

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