I will try this right now. Thanks.
Edit: sometime later: Unfortunately this cause a hang up at the initialization physics of the test game, on my competition map, which is 1.006 originated. Windows reported that this program could not go on and wanted to send the report.
I canceled out of the engine. Made sure reloaded was closed. Replace back the original script. Launch reloaded, loaded the same map and it completed the test game.
Still my AI is running away from me towards the sun direction. they get to the end of land on that side and walk back and forth. Shooting at me when they see me, not shooting at me when I hide behind any thing, but never charging me and getting in my face.
These guys just can run thru anything, except terrain, They will not attach to the way points at all on my 1.006 originated map. And only once that I could get it to do it on a new map, then never again. I tried open waypoint of 2,3,4 points, I tried closed polyshapes of 2,3,4 point waypoints, still no avail.
But then I think what is the difference of the custom character. It too was originated on a 1.006 map. (After thought for below)
But the funny thing is that I am working on a costume character, with a 3dmax biped rig, named the closest I could get from the info from the xfile in fragmotion and then rebuilt in max.
I insert this guy into a new map and I cant keep him off of me. Go figure. So I am not going to sweat it to much. The contest map runs fine as is and a lot has been learned from this contest on both sides, TGC and the content creators of the forum.
I am sure this will all be sorted over time.
Will try your script in a new map with stock characters and stock everything and see if it crashes the editor or makes the AI more aggressive as wanted, and also make an honest attempt to not walk thru building and trees.
I believe that after the contest I will do a complete uninstall and reinstall of reloaded and updates and hotfixes, and store media to see if I get better behavior. Maybe that is all that is needed, but then the 'run to the river' map keeps getting added to and that map seems to run fine. Food for thought.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 4gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit