I know I brought this up in the long thread that ended up off topic (and locked), and Lee saw it there, but may have forgotten. Basically, I'm on a keyboard which is missing the operator keys and numpad (Operator's are: Home, Insert, PG UP, PG Down, Delete, End)
This means I cannot move entities up and down as this requires page up. As well as Apple Wired/Wireless keyboards, this may start to be an issue on some ultra books (Though normally it remains accessible via Fn, those keys are opposite ends of the keyboard.)
Is it possible to set PG UP/DOWN to some alternative key/was this in the final .007?
Mac Pro 2014, Windows 8.1 Pro, OSX Mavericks. 3.7Ghz Quad Xeon CPU, Dual AMD D500 GPU's (6GB GDDR5 VRAM), 12GB System RAM, 512 GB PCI-E SSD