FPSC Reloaded is still in beta and will be for a few months yet.
At the moment the software only truly supports outdoor scenes, although we are obviously aware that users will want to create indoor maps and will be adding that feature in the future.
Currently the only other software that can be used alongside Reloaded is
Animar which allows legacy characters to be converted for use in Reloaded.
You would need some decent modelling skill to create a scene similar to the image you've attached, but if you are up to that level, then I'm sure it could be done. Reloaded is supplied with a pack of Modern Day media for all pledgers, with additional packs for Silver and Gold pledgers. You can pledge from as little as $30. Details of all pledge levels can be found
here. We also have a rapidly growing
store where additional Reloaded media can be purchased.
Lastly, as Reloaded is still a beta product, it is not currently suited to full game creation. You can build standalone levels, but all such levels are watermarked indicating that it was built with a beta engine.
I hope that has helped.
i7-4770s 3.10ghz - Geforce GTX 650ti