Its long been the case that Mods don't lock threads just because people disagree, sometimes strongly about various things and everyone has an equal right to make their opinions known and such is welcome and encouraged even if it goes against a majority opinion. Majorities are not always necessarily right but thats democracy as it were. Threads are usually locked if inappropriate in any way or deteriorate to unacceptable offensiveness and so on, so as to break the AUP or rules and or bring TGC into disrepute. There are other reasons but generally speaking having an opinion and speaking up is not one of them.
Much like a majority opinion is not always necessarily right so to is the case with many things - products and software and many other things. Software user interfaces included so just because other software users specific interface features, no matter how professional and expensive for example a piece of software might be in many cases such software classed as and accepted as professional world class software and sometimes world leading class used by the vast majority of people have depending on an individuals opinion interfaces which are indeed extremely poor and bad in day to day use though they may look pretty, professional, complicated and expensive so must be good Yes. Well no they are not necessarily.
There are many users of TGC products which use on a daily basis and over time have and do use literally hundreds of software programmes and many of us have experience of both making games and using most of the game engines which have been around for the last 20+ and more years at least so do have some considerable understanding of what its all about.
As to game engine editors and Reloaded in particular personally I don't have many issues with it as a priority at least and have more concern with core engine issues and features that provide for making a game relating to construction and content deployment of a complete game to end users as a priority and their experience of playing it and not my experience of making it.
Having said that first off I would have to say that Reloaded and its Editor and the use of Editor based around the 3D world, real time editing and compile and so on is an approach that has been much needed by indie developers and is a boon to development which no other engine at this level quite provides and despite any similarities to earlier FPSC versions Reloaded is nothing like it looking past the visual interface. It is a different animal and a far better development tool by a large order of magnitude. This will prove to be the case in actual developments by users and it does and will allow users to develop in a smother and better pipeline and to output much more complex, larger and better games as a single individual developer. No other software will provide for a single indie developer to put together a game in such a timescale. There are many benefits despite users wanting much more and fair enough there.
Personally I though I am OK with the current editor, am used to the style of working and developing with it and can also live with it I agree that the Editor along with the rest of the product can be improved withing the bounds of what makes things better and not for the sake of what it looks like. There must be a real and not perceived benefit in practical application and not if its something that just looks nice and someone else has it. This is not a UI competition or software designers interface design ego trip. Too much of that in pro software which hinders practical day to day use by bad design.
This is not the first time this has been brought up as with most engine and or feature requests. Suggestions and requests for improvements to the interface and editor have always been asked for over the years as with anything else.
There are probably quite a lot of things and a fair list which have been spoken of over the years. I have no personal preference or objection other than ease of use and avoiding hindrance to development for "All" users by making day to day use more difficult than the worth of it.
There are improvements that could be made and any development software of any kind would and should have access to a wide range of things internally to itself being accessible and usable if possible without resort to external environments. e.g. Internal access to setup.ini and script editor and so on. No argument there as often said by me "the more the merrier".
The only concern is that the usability should not be impacted and that's almost impossible as any device only has a certain amount of real estate screen, so the task is always to minimise the impact in a way that enhances and not detracts by things becoming a screen or other nusiance and the disadvantages overiding any benefit.
Whatever many things could be very helpful for example an object/entity list with object name/user definable with object/entity "Number" so that one could use for instance a select object and go to command in editor directly so the specific object can be edited in the 3D editor. Such might also have the benefit that if for instance an crash error occurs as it sometimes does due to an entity error for any reason and there may be many then if you can easily find an offending entity by number from any error message when a level will not run amongst the thousands of entities users could have in a level then you can remove it and correct the issue.
I am sure there are many such improvements and additions could be made. The point is that nothing should detract from the software use as an aid to development so any additional main editor window features should be as menu items, dockers or windows and such like that are not hard coded as part of the real estate screen space but are callable, collapsable, hidden, minimised removed and so on. We don't need anything using up any more current editor main level view window screen space in the main editor. No 4 screen views or properties panels or anything else that cant be hidden or removed by the user themselves if them find them a bind in practical day to day use of the editor in their development sessions.
Widgets can be a bind if they are not smooth and precise and respond well to selection.